Configure a circuitless IP interface (CLIP) when you want to provide a virtual interface that is not associated with a physical port. You can use a CLIP interface to provide uninterrupted connectivity to your switch.
ip address <1-256> {A.B.C.D/X}
ip address <1-256> {A.B.C.D/X} [vrf WORD<1-16>]
ip address <1-256> {A.B.C.D/X} [name WORD<0-64>]
ip address <1-256> {A.B.C.D} {A.B.C.D}
ip address {A.B.C.D/X}
ip address {A.B.C.D/X} [vrf WORD<1-16>]
ip address {A.B.C.D/X} [name WORD<0-64>]
ip address {A.B.C.D/X} multi-area-virtual-link <home | remote> [name WORD<0-64>]
ip address {A.B.C.D} {A.B.C.D}
ip address {A.B.C.D} {A.B.C.D} vrf WORD<1-16>
ip address {A.B.C.D} {A.B.C.D} name WORD<0-64>
ip address {A.B.C.D} {A.B.C.D} multi-area-virtual-link <home | remote> [name WORD<0-64>]
no ip address <1-256> {A.B.C.D}
no ip address <1-256> {A.B.C.D} vrf WORD<1-16>
no ip address <1-256> {A.B.C.D} name WORD<0-64>
no ip address {A.B.C.D}
no ip address {A.B.C.D} vrf WORD<1-16>
no ip address {A.B.C.D} name WORD<0-64>
Specifies that the source IP address is used for a Mulit-area virtual NNI link.
Specifies a name associated with the IP address.
If you do not assign a name when you
configure virtual NNI links for Multi-Area boundary nodes for VSP 7400
Series, the system autogenerates the name and displays the
name as Virtual-link
Loopback Interface Configuration