mvrp enable

Enables MVRP on an Ethernet or port-channel interface.


mvrp enable
no mvrp enable

Command Default

MVRP is disabled by default on the interfaces.


Interface configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

This feature is supported on the SLX 9250, SLX 9540, SLX 9640, and SLX 9740 devices.

Use the no form of this command to disable MVRP on the interface.

Before configuring this command, you must configure the interface as switchport and globally enable MVRP on the device to allow the MVRP-enabled interface to participate in the protocol.


The following example enables MVRP on an Ethernet interface.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# vlan 10
device(config-vlan-10)# exit
device(config)# protocol mvrp
device(config-mvrp)# exit
device(config)# interface ethernet 0/1
device(conf-if-eth-0/1)# switchport
device(conf-if-eth-0/1)# switchport mode trunk
device(conf-if-eth-0/1)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 10
device(conf-if-eth-0/1)# mvrp enable

The following example enables MVRP on a port-channel interface.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# protocol mvrp
device(config-mvrp)# exit
device(config)# interface ethernet 0/1,2
device(conf-if-eth-0/1,2)# channel-group 10 mode on
device(conf-if-eth-0/1,2)# no shutdown
device(conf-if-eth-0/1,2)# exit
device(config)# interface Port-channel 10
device(config-Port-channel-10)# switchport
device(config-Port-channel-10)# switchport mode trunk
device(config-Port-channel-10)# mvrp enable
device(config-Port-channel-10)# no shutdown