interface port-channel

Creates and configures a port-channel interface.


interface port-channel number
no interface port-channel number

Command Default

No port-channel interface is configured.


Specifies a port-channel.


Global configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

Use the no form of this command to disable the interface.

Port channel scale and support for SLX 9740

Table 1. Port-channel scale for SLX 9740 device.
Device LAG Profile Supported port-channel IDs Maximum links per port-channel
SLX 9740-40 default 1-256; Only 77 port-channels may be created at one time. 64
SLX 9740-80 default 1-256; Only 153 port-channels may be created at one time. 64


  • For the 1U SLX 9740-40, the number of LAGs will be 77, where:
    • 76 are the front end ports (all breakouts)
    • 1 (insight port)
  • For the 2U SLX 9740-80, the number of LAGs will be 153. where:
    • 152 are the front end ports (all breakouts)
    • 1 (insight port)
( SLX 9540 and SLX 9640) Maximum numbers of port-channel IDs and links per port-channel vary with device and LAG profile, as follows:
Table 2. Port-channel scale for SLX 9540 and SLX 9640 devices

Device or series

LAG profile

Supported port-channel IDs

Maximum links per port-channel

SLX 9540 SLX 9640


1–256; Only 64 port-channels may be created at any one time.


SLX 9540 SLX 9640


1–256; Only 64 port-channels may be created at any one time.


( SLX 9150 and SLX 9250) Maximum numbers of port-channel IDs and links per port-channel vary only with device, as follows:
Table 3. Port-channel support for SLX 9150 and SLX 9250 devices

Device or series

Supported port-channel IDs

Maximum links per port-channel

SLX 9150, SLX 9250

1–256; Only 128 port-channels may be created at any one time.




Non-default LAG profiles are not supported for the SLX 9150 and SLX 9250 devices.


To configure a port-channel interface:

device# configure terminal
device(config)# interface port-channel 10