The following table displays the optical monitoring information table for Temperature, Tx Power, Rx Power, and Tx Bias Current values and the status values.
Objects and OID | Access | Description |
bcsiOptMonInfoTable |
None |
This table lists the instrumented parameters of all optical interfaces. |
bcsiOptMonInfoEntry Syntax: BcsiOptMonInfoEntry |
None |
Only the ifIndices of optical interfaces whose parameters need to be monitored will be used to index this table. |
bcsiOptMonInfoTemperature Syntax: DisplayString |
Read-only |
This object holds the value of the transmitter laser diode temperature for the lane in the interface. It indicates the health of the transmitter. The format is xxx.yyyy C (Celsius), followed by whether the measured value is normal, high/low alarm, or high/low warning. For 100G LR4 and LR10 optic, this object returns the average temperature for all lanes. |
bcsiOptMonInfoTxPowerStatus Syntax: Integer |
Read-only |
This object holds the status of the transmitter optical signal power for the interface, indicating whether this is normal or an alarm is present. bcsiOptMonInfoTxPowerStatus is one of the following status:
bcsiOptMonInfoTxPower Syntax: DisplayString |
Read-only |
This object holds the value of the transmitter optical signal power for the interface, measured in dBm, followed by whether this is a normal value, or high/low warning or alarm. For 100G LR4 and LR10 optic, this returns the aggregated Tx Power for all lanes. |
bcsiOptMonInfoTxPowerVal Syntax: Unsigned32 |
Read-only |
This object holds the value of the transmitter optical signal power for the interface, measured in microWatt. For 100G LR4 and LR10 optic, this returns the aggregated Tx Power for all lanes. |
bcsiOptMonInfoRxPowerStatus Syntax: Integer |
Read-only |
This object holds the status of the receiver optical signal power for the interface, indicating whether this is normal or an alarm is present. bcsiOptMonLaneTxPowerStatus is one of the following status:
bcsiOptMonInfoRxPower Syntax: DisplayString |
Read-only |
This object holds the value of the receiver optical Signal power for the interface, measured in dBm, followed by whether this is a normal value, or high/low warning or alarm. For 100G LR4 and LR10 optic, this returns the aggregated Rx Power for all lanes. |
bcsiOptMonInfoRxPowerVal Syntax: Unsigned32 |
Read-only |
This object holds the value of the receiver optical signal power for the interface, measured in microWatt. For 100G LR4 and LR10 optic, this returns the aggregated Rx Power for all lanes. |
bcsiOptMonInfoTxBiasCurrent Syntax: DisplayString |
Read-only |
The Tx Bias Current. It is measured in mA, and is followed by whether this is a normal value, or high/low warning or alarm. For 100G LR4 and LR10 optic, this returns the aggregated Tx Bias Current for all lanes. |