Guidelines for Upgrading TCAM Profiles

With the release of SLX-OS 20.1.1, some TCAM (Ternary Content-addressable Memory) profiles were deprecated and others were renamed.

TCAM Profile Changes

Previous TCAM Profiles SLX 20.1.1 and Later Profiles Difference
DefaultLayer2-optimized Default The Layer2-optimized profile is merged into the new Default profile.
BGP-Flowspec Border-routing The BGP-Flowspec profile is renamed as the Border-routing profile.
VXLAN-extended VXLAN-visibility The VXLAN-extended profile is renamed as the VXLAN-visibility profile.
Layer2-Ratelimit Layer2-Ratelimit No change in the profile name.
Multicast Multicast No change in the profile name.
App-telemetry New profile for SLX 20.1.1.
NPB-optimized-1 Deprecated
Openflow-optimized-1 Deprecated
Openflow-optimized-2 Deprecated
Openflow-optimized-3 Deprecated

Upgrade Considerations

Sample Warning Message to Remain in the Current Profile

Performing system sanity check ...
Warning: The current TCAM profile is 'default'. This profile does not support VNI Match 
for IPv4 ACL, VRF Match for IPv4 BGP-Flowspec rules, SA port authentication, VM Tracking, 
LOAM Loopback, and DSCP remarking in SLXOS version 20.x.x. The scale limits for ACL will be 
reduced to 4K (MAC + IPv4) and for MPLS-XC-Stats will be reduced to 256. Rules above new 
scale limit will not be effective after upgrade to SLX version 20.x.x.

You are running firmware download with 'fullinstall' option.
This command will preserve startu-config file and license file across firmware download and 
auto-replay configs. 
This command will cause a cold/disruptive reboot and will require that existing telnet, secure 
telnet or SSH sessions be restarted.

Do you want to continue? [y/n]:

Sample Warning Message with a Recommended Profile

This example includes the selection of a new profile and the restart of the software download process.

Performing system sanity check ...
Warning: The current TCAM profile is 'vxlan-ext'. This profile does not support MCT in SLXOS 
version 20.1.1. The recommended TCAM profile is 'default'. Please run the 'profile tcam' 
command to change the profile to 'default' to retain the MCT support else proceed normally. 
Note that if 'default' profile is chosen, VXLAN visibility ACL is not supported, ACL scale limit 
will be reduced to 4K (MAC + IPv4). The ACL rules above 4K will not be effective after upgrade to 
SLX version 20.1.1.

You are running firmware download with 'fullinstall' option.
This command will preserve startup-config file and license file across firmware download and 
auto-replay configs.
This command will cause a cold/disruptive reboot and will require that existing telnet, secure 
telnet or SSH sessions be restarted.

Do you want to continue? [y/n]: n
device# configure terminal
Entering configuration mode terminal
device(config)# hardware
device(config-hardware)# profile tcam default
Warning: To activate the new profile config, please run 'copy running-config startup-config'
followed by 'reload system.'

device(config-hardware)# end
device# copy running-config startup-config
This operation will modify your startup configuration. Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y

device# firmware download fullinstall

Performing system sanity check ...

You are running firmware download with 'fullinstall' option.
This command will preserve startup-config file and license file across firmware download and 
auto-replay configs.
This command will cause a cold/disruptive reboot and will require that existing telnet, secure 
telnet or SSH sessions be restarted.

Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y

Checking conditions for downloading to 20.x.x
System settings check passed (0).

You are running firmwaredownload with auto-reboot and auto-commit enabled. After the firmware is 
downloaded the system will reboot and commit firmware automatically.

Preparing for firmware download ...

Sample Warning Message for a Deprecated Profile

This example includes the selection of a new profile and the restart of the software download process.

Performing system sanity check ...
Warning: The current TCAM profile is 'npb-optimized-1'. This profile is not supported in SLXOS 
version 20.x.x. Please run the 'profile tcam' command to change to 'default'. Note that in 20.1.1, 
if 'default' profile is chosen, the scale limit for PORT RL, BD/VLAN RL, UNK Unicast RL (collectively) 
scale limit will be reduced to 1.5K and scale for ACL will be reduced to 4K (MAC + IPv4). Rules above 
new scale limit will not be effective after upgrade to SLX version 20.x.x.

You are running firmware download with 'fullinstall' option.
This command will preserve startup-config file and license file across firmware download and 
auto-replay configs.
This command will cause a cold/disruptive reboot and will require that existing telnet, secure telnet 
or SSH sessions be restarted.

Do you want to continue? [y/n]: n

device# configure terminal
Entering configuration mode terminal
device(config)# hardware
device(config-hardware)# profile tcam default
Warning: To activate the new profile config, please run 'copy running-config startup-config'
followed by 'reload system.'

device(config-hardware)# end
device# copy running-config startup-config
This operation will modify your startup configuration. Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y

device# firmware download fullinstall

Performing system sanity check ...

You are running firmware download with 'fullinstall' option.
This command will preserve startup-config file and license file across firmware download and 
auto-replay configs.
This command will cause a cold/disruptive reboot and will require that existing telnet, secure 
telnet or SSH sessions be restarted.

Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y

Checking conditions for downloading to 20.x.x
System settings check passed (0).

You are running firmwaredownload with auto-reboot and auto-commit enabled. After the firmware is 
downloaded the system will reboot and commit firmware automatically.

Preparing for firmware download ...

Sample Warning Message for a Merged Profile

This example includes the selection of a new profile and the restart of the software download process.

Performing system sanity check ...
Warning: The current TCAM profile is 'layer2-optimized-1'. This profile is merged to the Default 
TCAM profile in SLXOS version 20.1.1.
Please run the 'profile tcam' command to change to a suitable TCAM profile.

You are running firmware download with 'fullinstall' option.
This command will preserve startup-config file and license file across firmware download and 
auto-replay configs.
This command will cause a cold/disruptive reboot and will require that existing telnet, secure 
telnet or SSH sessions be restarted.

Do you want to continue? [y/n]: n

device# configure terminal
Entering configuration mode terminal
device(config)# hardware
device(config-hardware)# profile tcam default
Warning: To activate the new profile config, please run 'copy running-config startup-config'
followed by 'reload system.'

device(config-hardware)# end
device# copy running-config startup-config
This operation will modify your startup configuration. Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y

device# firmware download fullinstall

Performing system sanity check ...

You are running firmware download with 'fullinstall' option.
This command will preserve startup-config file and license file across firmware download and 
auto-replay configs.
This command will cause a cold/disruptive reboot and will require that existing telnet, secure 
telnet or SSH sessions be restarted.

Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y

Checking conditions for downloading to 20.x.x
System settings check passed (0).

You are running firmwaredownload with auto-reboot and auto-commit enabled. After the firmware is 
downloaded the system will reboot and commit firmware automatically.

Preparing for firmware download ...