Upgrade the SLX 9540 FPGA Image

Use this procedure to upgrade the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) flash with the latest image from the installation package.


  1. Confirm that the peripheral software (firmware) requires an upgrade.
    If the dates are not identical, the software must be upgraded.
    device# show firmware peripheral fpga 
            |     Type      |   Current Version    |   Latest Version Available   |
            |    sysfpga    |    02/09/2017(92)    |        02/09/2017(92)         |
  2. Update the software.
    device# firmware peripheral-update fpga 
    erasing .. ... done
    programming .......................... 25% .......................... 50% .......................... 75% ......................... 100  
    sysfpga image is upgraded successfully. 
  3. Reboot the device.
    device# reload system