Upgrading the TPVM package from 18r.1.xx or 18r.2.xx to 20.1.1

Use the following procedure to upgrade the TPVM package from 18r.1.xx or 18r.2.xx to 20.1.1.

  1. Uninstall the existing TPVM package.
    device# tpvm uninstall
  2. Upgrade the device with the current release by using the firmware download command, with options as applicable.
  3. Remove the existing TPVM package at the following path in the device's SLX-OS VM, at the Linux shell login prompt.
    [admUser@SLX]# rm -rf /tftpboot/SWBD2900/vm-swbd2900-*.deb
  4. Using SCP or FTP, copy the following package from the release/build server (<TPVM release URL>/tpvm3.0.0/tpvm-3.0.0-0.amd64.deb) to the following directory on the device: /tftpboot/SWBD2900/.
  5. Install the new TPVM package.
    device# tpvm install
  6. Confirm the installation status and start TPVM.
    device# show tpvm status
    device# tpvm start