Creating multiple CLI users
You can create up to seven new CLI users on the switch, in addition to the three default CLI users. The username must be unique. If you enable the hsecure flag, password complexity rules apply to all users.
Before you begin
You must use an account with read-write-all privileges to create new CLI users.
About this task

When a new CLI user is created, the specified username and access level cannot be changed later.
Create a new CLI
Switch:1>enable Switch:1#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch:1(config)#username add smith level rwa enable Enter password : ******* Re-enter password : ******* Switch:1(config)#
Variable Definitions
The following table defines parameters for the username command.
Variable |
Value |
add WORD<1–20> |
Specifies the username to create. |
enable |
Enables the new CLI user. |
level <ro | rw | rwa> |
Specifies the level assigned to the new CLI user: