Configure Static Routes
Perform the steps in this task to:
Create static routes for data traffic in either the GRT or a specific VRF context for any platform.
Create static routes for a VRF associated with a Segmented Management Instance CLIP interface.
Before you begin
Ensure no black hole static route exists. If a black hole route is enabled, you must first delete or disable it before you can add a regular static route to that destination.
Only black hole routes that belong to the static type protocol are supported. An inter-VRF black hole route is not installed in the routing table of the destination VRF on the same switch.
To perform this procedure on a non-default VRF, you must first change the VRF instance. For information about how to use EDM for a non-default VRF, see Select and Launch a VRF Context View. All parameters might not be available in non-default VRFs.
About this task
When you configure a static route with a next-hop-vrf context, you can specify a next-hop IP address that is a locally owned VRRP IP address of the system itself. However, this is not a supported configuration. The best practice is to implement an alternative method of inter-vrf route sharing, such as route redistribution or IS-IS accept polices.
For route scaling information, see Fabric Engine Release Notes.

Do not configure static routes on a DvR Leaf node unless the configuration is for reachability to a management network using a brouter port.
Also, configuring the preference of static routes is not supported on a Leaf node.
Static Routes Field Descriptions
Use the data in the following table to use the Static Routes tab.
Name |
Description |
OwnerVrfId |
Specifies the VRF ID for the static route. |
Dest |
Specifies the destination IP address of this route. A value of is a default route. The system can display multiple routes to a single destination in the table, but access to such multiple entries is dependent on the table-access mechanisms defined by the network management protocol in use. |
Mask |
Indicates the mask that the system operates a logically AND function on, with the destination address, to compare the result to the Route Destination. For systems that do not support arbitrary subnet masks, an agent constructs the Route Mask by determining whether it belongs to a class A, B, or C network, and then uses one of:—Class A—Class B—Class C If the Route Destination is (a default route) then the mask value is also |
NextHop |
Specifies the IP address of the next hop of this route. In the case of a route bound to an interface which is realized through a broadcast media, the Next Hop is the IP address of the agent on that interface. When you create a black hole static route, configure this parameter to |
NextHopVrfId |
Specifies the next-hop VRF ID in interVRF static route configurations. Identifies the VRF in which the ARP entry resides. |
Name Note:
This field does not apply to all hardware platforms. |
Specifies the name for the static route. |
Enable |
Determines whether the static route is available on the port. The default is enable. If a static route is disabled, it must be enabled before it can be added to the system routing table. |
Status |
Specifies the status of the route. The default is enabled. |
Metric |
Specifies the primary routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing protocol specified in the route RouteProto value. If this metric is not used, configure the value to 1. The default is 1. Note:
Do not configure a static interface subnet route with a metric of 1. |
IfIndex |
Specifies the route index of the Next Hop. The interface index identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route is reached. |
Preference |
Specifies the routing preference of the destination IP address. If more than one route can be used to forward IP traffic, the route that has the highest preference is used. The higher the number, the higher the preference. |
LocalNextHop |
Enables and disables LocalNextHop. If enabled, the static route becomes active only if the system has a local route to the network. If disabled, the static route becomes active if the system has a local route or a dynamic route. |