Link Debounce

Table 1. Link Debounce for WAN Links



Release introduced

Link Debounce

5320 Series

Fabric Engine 8.6

5420 Series

VOSS 8.5

5520 Series

VOSS 8.5

5720 Series

Fabric Engine 8.7

VSP 4450 Series

VOSS 8.4.2

VSP 4900 Series

VOSS 8.4.2

VSP 7200 Series

VOSS 8.5

VSP 7400 Series

VOSS 8.4.2

VSP 8200 Series

VOSS 8.5

VSP 8400 Series

VOSS 8.5

VSP 8600 Series

Not Supported

XA1400 Series

Not Supported

In a WAN environment, when a carrier-side link failure occurs, switchover on the carrier side can take a few hundred milliseconds. During that time, a lag in the sending and receiving of packets can occur. Use Link Debounce to hold the connection path until the switchover is complete. You can configure Link Debounce on each port.

Link Debounce protects the upper layers from unnecessary state changes by delaying the change of a port link state when the following situations occur:

Link Debounce works only on Layer 1 protocol applications. Layer 2 / Layer 3 protocols make decisions based on how they receive packets. For example, STP makes the decision according to the lack of traffic and port up condition; OSPF and IS-IS can still fail adjacencies.