Firmware Update and Images

Use the Firmware dashboard to update your device firmware version, obtain an image and its configuration.

Firmware Update

Go to Firmware > Update to view update details. You can add a new firmware update and view any past updates. Obtain device firmware update information such as timestamp, mac address, hostname, upgraded by mac address or hostname, upgrade result, number of retries, and upgrade error information.
  1. Select Update to configure firmware update schedule.
  2. Configure the following information:
    • Update - Select Self and provide FTP address path or file name. Use self update to periodically update the firmware automatically. This option is not selected by default.


      Reload the system to activate self update.
    • Select All to update firmware on devices and sites.
    • Select Device Type to update the firmware for a specific device.
    • Select Site to update firmware for a site.
  3. Select Force to force update a firmware.
  4. Select Immediate to update the firmware at the current time. For future update, clear Immediate schedule selection and select a date and time.
  5. Configure reboot schedule:
    • Automatic - this option reboots the system immediately.
    • Staggered - select this option to reboot the system at a future time.
  6. Select Update to save firmware update schedule.

Firmware Images

Go to Firmware > Images to obtain firmware image details. Customize dashboard view using controller mac address or hostname, device type, and version columns.

For image details, select Load Image and select device type from the device drop-down.

To add a new firmware image:
  1. Select .

    The Add Firmware Image dashboard opens.

  2. Configure the following settings:
    Device Type Select a device type from the drop-down list box
    Path/File Provide an image path
    Site Select a site from the list of available sites
    Device Select a device from the site
  3. Select Add to update firmware image settings.