Ethernet Port Aggregation Configuration

About this task

Define a profile's Ethernet port aggregation configuration.


  1. Select Profiles.
    The profile name list opens.
  2. Select a profile from the existing list of profiles.
  3. Select Interface > Ethernet > Ethernet Name > Aggregation.
  4. Set the following aggregation properties to activate link aggregation on the selected GE port:
    Port Channel Set a port channel between 1 and 4
    Port Mode Set the port mode as Active or Passive. If setting the port as a LAG member, specify whether the port is an active or passive member within the group.

    An active member initiates and participates in LACP negotiations. It is the active port that always transmits LACPDU irrespective of the remote device‘s port mode.

    The passive port only responds to LACPDU received from its corresponding active port.

    At least one port within a LAG, on either of the two negotiating peers, should be in the active mode. LACP negotiations are not initiated if all LAG member ports are passive. Further, the peer-to-peer LACP negotiations are always initiated by the peer with the lower system-priority value

    Port Priority Set the selected Ethernet Port‘s priority value, within the LAG, from 1 to 65,535.

    The selected port‘s actual priority within the LAG is determined by the port-priority value specified here along with the port‘s number. Higher the value, lower is the priority. Use this option to manipulate a port‘s priority. For example, in a LAG having five physical ports, four active and one standby, manually increasing the standby port‘s priority ensures that if one of the active port fails, the standby port is included in the LAG during re-negotiation

  5. Select Save to update port aggregation settings.