efa auth settings token

Configures and displays the expiration settings for authentication tokens.


efa auth settings token update{ --type cli | access | refresh }{ --hours num | --minutes num }
efa auth settings token show


Specifies that you want to change one or more of the following:
--type cli | access | refresh
Specifies the type of token you want to update.
--hours num | --minutes num
Specifies the number of hours or minutes that should elapse before a token expires.
Displays the current expiration settings.


This example sets the CLI token to expire after 2 hours.

$ efa auth settings token update --type CLI --hours 2 

Successfully updated the token expiry time. 
| Type | Hours | Minutes | 
| CLI  | 2     | 0       | 
--- Time Elapsed: 193.455466ms --- 


This example displays the current expiration settings.

$ efa auth settings token show 

| Type    | Hours | Minutes | 
| ACCESS  | 1     | 0       | 
| REFRESH | 8     | 0       | 
| CLI     | 2     | 0       | 