
Performs actions on journal entries.

efa-journal list

Lists all the journal entries that are present in the Extreme journaling DB and their statuses.

efa-journal reset[--ids |--help ]

Resets failed entries retry count and retries the operations again. The option works for all failed entries or selected failed entries.

efa-journal clear [--ids |--help ]

Removes failed entries from journaling. The option works for all failed entries or selected failed entries.

--ids Journal UUID
List of failed IDs to reset or clear. If not provided, the command resets or clears all failed entries.
Prints help for the command.

This example lists all the journal entries and their statuses as present in the extreme journaling DB.

|  Id |             Journal UUID             | Object Type |             Object UUID              | Operation |   state    | Retry Count | 
| 301 | 3ebf2416-366b-4c11-9a2e-8c058c219555 |   network   | 108755af-c7fd-4590-ac00-5359f76b7ba4 |   create  | processing |      0      | 
| 302 | 78884b55-9dfb-4dbb-98ef-1916a5f932f8 |   network   | 78b7b7e8-ea64-420e-afd8-5349485afe22 |   create  | processing |      0      | 
| 303 | ef3b4637-a899-49e0-9f7d-28dda671685f |   network   | 477714ac-83d1-4ce5-a56d-88d8bc4b9536 |   create  | processing |      0      | 
| 304 | 7d662b57-07b3-4f71-b084-ab89604dc097 |   network   | fc2549af-6eec-47a5-bc78-1831f362b6b3 |   create  |  pending   |      0      | 
| 305 | 9c1a8131-4232-4f9b-ac5e-b694c5a1168c |   network   | 9e64c55e-8895-491d-91ed-cfc81cd5586a |   create  |  pending   |      0      | 
The following example resets a specific failed entry:
$ sudo efa-journal reset 848ca333-9e78-46e4-8f54-096453347d55 5dc0bf8b-674c-4c9f-944e-dc048bd184f0
The following example clears a specific failed entry:
$ sudo efa-journal clear 5dc0bf8b-674c-4c9f-944e-dc048bd184f0 848ca333-9e78-46e4-8f54-096453347d55