While ExtremeXOS 30.1 supports all features on all applicable platforms as indicated in these release notes, upgrading to ExtremeXOS 30.1 from releases earlier than 22.2 may involve performance trade-offs of some feature on certain platforms. For information about feature- and platform-specific issues, see Open Issues and Known Behaviors. For information about recommended releases for specific platforms, see http://www.extremenetworks.com/extreme-hardwaresoftware-compatibility-recommendation-matrices/software-release-recommendations/.
For instructions about upgrading ExtremeXOS software, see "Software Upgrade and Boot Options" in the ExtremeXOS 30.1 User Guide.
Beginning with ExtremeXOS 12.1, an ExtremeXOS core image (.xos file) must be downloaded and installed on the alternate (non-active) partition. If you try to download to an active partition, the error message Error: Image can only be installed to the non-active partition. appears. An ExtremeXOS modular software package (.xmod file) can still be downloaded and installed on either the active or alternate partition.