Updating the Programmable Logic Firmware on the Summit X440-G2 and ExtremeSwitching X620 Series Switches

You can update the programmable logic firmware components (FPGA and PLD) on the ExtremeSwitching X440-G2 and X620 series switches. Starting with ExtremeXOS 22.3, a firmware update was made available for the ExtremeSwitching X440-G2 and X620 series switches that provides the following enhancements:
  • Enhanced robustness of interface-to-system LEDs and power supply status signals
  • Added support for "Repeated Start" mechanism to improve interface to a subset of optics that require it
  • Additional power monitoring (ExtremeSwitching X620 only)
However, because of manufacturing cut-in times, some switches may have older firmware. If the switch requires an update, the following messages appear during system start-up:
<Warn:HAL.Card.Warning> Switch PLD1 firmware is out of date, do 'install firmware' to update.
<Warn:HAL.Card.Warning> Switch FPGA firmware is out of date, do 'install firmware' to    update.
To view the current firmware versions, use the command show version detail. The following shows sample output from this command with the firmware version in bold:
# show version detail
Switch      : 800624-00-01 1516G-01246 Rev 1.0 BootROM:    IMG:
              FPGA: PLD1:

The new firmware versions included in ExtremeXOS 22.3 and later are FPGA and PLD

Use the install firmware command to update the firmware. Running this command requires a reboot of the switch, which can be performed at any time after the command has completed. For more information about this command, see the ExtremeXOS 30.1 Command Reference Guide.