Open Issues

The following are new open issues for supported features found in ExtremeXOS 30.1.

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Open Issues, Platform-Specific, and Feature Change Requests (CRs)

CR Number Description
xos0073536 When Host-Mobility is configured, it is recommended to configure a default IPv6 route using the command configure iproute add blackhole ipv6 default or configure iproute add default ipv6Gateway.
xos0073277 For ExtremeXOS 30.1, the ExtremeXO Service Verification Test (ESVT) tool has been removed. If you are upgrading from an earlier release, the following error message appears:
"Error while loading structure <aclZoneApplObj><appl_name><![CDATA[ESVT]]></appl_name><zone_name><![CDATA[SYSTEM]]></zone_name><appl_priority>4</appl_priority><appl_ref>1</appl_ref><default_appl_priority>4</default_appl_priority><default_zone_name><![CDATA[SYSTEM]]></default_zone_name><zone_priority>2</zone_priority></aclZoneApplObj>: Application ESVT is not a valid application <aclZoneApplObj>"
xos0071708 Refresh option for clear iparp and clear neighbor-discovery commands does not work correctly. All entries are cleared.
xos0072819 After upgrading to ExtremeXOS 30.1, six logs are generated for each VLAN on the switch for unsupported ICMP features: address-mask, port-unreachables, unreachables, parameter-problem, time-exceeded, and timestamp.
A few FDB entries may not be re-learned if the following commands are executed twice without waiting for all the entries to be re-learned when 2,000 interfaces are created on the switch and continuous IPv4 traffic is sent through all the interfaces:
  • clear fdb
  • restart port port-number
  • disable port port-number and enable port port-number
Workaround: Execute restart port port-number once.
xos0072228 Interface flags in the show ipconfig output do not match the flag values in the show ipconfig vlan-name output.
ExtremeSwitching X620 Series Switches
For ExtremeSwitching X620 series switches, after applying policy configuration changes with disable policy and enable policy on a LAG master port that is in down state, NetLogin authentication may fail on the port.
Workaround: To reinstate NetLogin on the port, run the command clear netlogin state port LAG master port.
Extended Edge Switching
xos0073266 When Extended Edge Switching auto-configuration is used, the MLAG master ports connecting to BPEs on the two peers are not always the same. This leads to different local keys being used by the MLAG peers and traffic being lost in case of a failover.
  • To avoid this issue, use only one connection to each BPE before running auto-configuration. After the BPE is up, add the second connection if needed.
  • To recover from this issue, if the LAG master port is configured differently for the same BPE on two peers, manually re-configure the LAG port on one peer so that both peers have the same LAG master port for the same BPE.
MAC Security
xos0073434 For MAC Security (MACsec)-enabled ports on an Summit X460G-2hc (ports 25–48) with include-sci enabled, if you receive MACsec encrypted packets with a bad SCI tag, the counter "Not Valid Pkts" is incremented instead of "Rx No SCI Pkts" under the show macsec port port_num detail output. Note that ports attached to an LRM/MACsec Adapter handle this properly.
xos0073404 When the remote MAC Security (MACsec) connection transmits the MKPDUs for the MACsec protocol (usually 1 every 2 seconds) the ports with an LRM/MACsec Adapter count these in the "Rx No Tag Pkts" under the show macsec port port_num detail output. Though these packets are untagged, they are received on the uncontrolled port for the MACsec protocol and should not increment this controlled port drop counter. This issue is specific to MACsec-enabled ports with an LRM/MACsec Adapter only.