ExtremeXOS 4.14 Linux Kernel Upgrade

ExtremeXOS 30.1 uses Linux kernel 4.14.

Moving to Linux 4.14 introduces various changes to certain functional areas of ExtremeXOS:
  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)/Neighbor Discovery (ND):
    • Configuring IP ARP maximum entries (includes static, dynamic, and incomplete IP ARP) on a per virtual router (VR) basis is not supported.
    • Configuring ND maximum entries (maximum IPv6 neighbors) on a per VR basis is not supported.
    • Configuring IP ARP maximum proxy entries on a per VR basis is not supported.
    • Configuring IP ARP/ND maximum pending entries on per VR basis is not supported.
    • Upgrading from ExtremeXOS 22.x to 30.1 may affect the number of ARP/ND entries loaded as per new ARP/ND global limits.
    • Only kernel supported statistics are supported.
    • IP ARP/ND statistics are not maintained per VR, since the statistics are maintained per ARP/ND table.
    • Timeout of ARP/ND entries follows Linux behavior.
    • Newly configured ARP/ND timeout values apply only to ARP/ND entries that are learned after the new value is set. Previously learned ARP/ND entries timeout after the previously configured time.
  • Route Manager:
    • All the statistics that are part of show ipstats vr vr-name are affected, since the VR option is not supported.
    • Many ICMP features are not supported due to impacts on the enable icmp command (see affected commands below).
    • When a network is unreachable, switches return ICMP host unreachable packets instead of ICMP network unreachable packets.
  • IPv4 DAD—Not supported.
  • IPv6 DAD—See affected commands below.
  • Multicast Manager:
    • CISCO compatible, non-standard implementation for PIM register message feature is not supported (see Deleted CLI Commands.
    • The number of supported PIM interface is reduced from 512 to 256 for both IPv4 and IPv6 (see Limits).
    • Global IGMP statistics in the show ipstats commands are affected (see affected commands below and New CLI Commands).

Supported Platforms

Summit X450-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2, and ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X620, X690, X870 series switches.

New CLI Commands

show igmp counters

clear igmp counters

Changed CLI Commands


The following IPARP commands have virtual router keywords/variables deprecated:

configure iparp max_entries max_entries

configure iparp max_pending_entries max_pending_entries

configure iparp max_proxy_entries max_proxy_entries

The following IPARP command has the virtual router keyword removed:

clear counters iparp

The following neighbor discovery commands have virtual router keywords/variables deprecated:

configure neighbor-discovery cache max_entries max_entries

configure neighbor-discovery cache max_pending_entries max_pending_entries

The following show commands have the ARP unneeded, failed, rejected, total entries, and last rejected information removed from the output.

show iparp stats [[vr_name | vr {all | vr_name} ] { no-refresh |refresh} {vr} summary]

show iparp stats [vlan {all {vr vr_name}} | [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list] {no-refresh |refresh}

In Request, Out Request, Failed Requests, Proxy Answered, Rx Error, Rejected Count, Rejected Port, and Max ARP entries, In Response, Out Response, Dup IP Addr, Rejected IP, Rejected I/F, and Max ARP pending entries output are removed from the following show command; ARP Global Settings Max Entries, Max Pending Entries, Max Proxy Entries are added to the output of the following show command:

show iparp {ip_addr |mac | [{vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list] | permanent} {port port {vr vr_name}

Max entries and max pending entries are now under a global settings heading in the following show command:

show neighbor-discovery {cache {ipv6}} {[ipv6_addr | mac | permanent] {vr vr_name}} | [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list] | vr vr_name}


The following show command has the D (duplicate address detected on VLAN) and T (tentative address) flags removed from the output:

show ospf interfaces {vlan vlan-name | area area-identifier | enabled}

The following show command has the d (DAD duplicate primary address) and t (DAD tentative primary address) flags removed from the output:

show rip interface {detail}

The following show command has the D (duplicate address detected on VLAN), t (tentative address), A (address mask reply enabled), M (send parameter problem enabled), P (send port unreachables enabled), T (time stamp reply enabled), u (send unreachables enabled), and X (send time exceeded enabled) flags removed from the output:

show ipconfig {ipv4} {vlan vlan_name}


The detail option is removed from the following show command; the Conflict MAC heading is removed and Interface Failures heading added; the P (prefix address) flag is removed and the l (Link-local address) is added; the t flag is renamed (tentative due to the lack of a valid link-local address) in the following show command:

show ipv6 dad {{{vr} vr_name | vr all | {vlan} vlan_name | {tunnel} tunnel_name} {tentative | valid | duplicate} | {{vr} vr_name} ipaddress}

Route Manager

The following show commands have the VR option removed and IGMP statistics (use the new show igmp counters command) removed from the output:

show ipstats {ipv4} [{vlan name } | {tunnel} tunnel_name]

show ipstats ipv6 [{vlan name | tunnel tunnel_name}]


The following show command is impacted in the areas of ARP, ND, and FDB. The output for FDB after upgrading to ExtremeXOS 30.1 differs from 22.x output because of the changes in per VR-based IPARP and ND configurations. The loading of ARP/ND entries is contrained by new global limits and ignores pre-30.1 user VR configured limits:

show configuration {module-name} {detail}

Deleted CLI Commands


The following commands are deprecated and are no longer supported. If they are present in a script or configuration file, they will not run, and an informational error is logged.

clear ip dad {{vr} vr_name | vr all | {vlan} vlan_name | {{vr} vr_name} ipaddress} {counters}

configure ip dad [off | on | {on} attempts max_solicitations] {{vr} vr_name | vr all}

run ip dad [{vlan} vlan_name | {{vr} vr_name} ipaddress]

show ip dad {[{{vr} vr_name {ip_address} | vr all | [ { vlan } vlan_name | vlan vlan_list ] {tentative | valid | duplicate} | {{vr} vr_name} ip_address]}


run ipv6 dad [{vlan} vlan_name | {{vr} vr_name} ipaddress]

If you use any of these DAD commands in a configuration file, error messages similar to the following appear in the log:
<Noti:cm.sys.ApplCfgObjOptUnsuprt> The "vlan" application "cfgIpDad" configuration object "ipv4_accept_dad" option is not supported.
<Noti:cm.sys.ApplCfgObjOptUnsuprt> The "vlan" application "cfgIpDad" configuration object "ipv4_dad_transmits" option is not supported.

Route Manager

disable ip-option [loose-source-route | strict-source-route | record-route | record-timestamp | router-alert]

enable ip-option [loose-source-route | strict-source-route | record-route | record-timestamp | router-alert]

enable icmp address-mask {vlan name}

enable icmp parameter-problem {vlan name}

enable icmp port-unreachables {vlan name}

enable icmp time-exceeded {vlan name}

enable icmp unreachables {vlan name}

enable icmp timestamp {vlan name}

disable icmp address-mask {vlan name}

disable icmp parameter-problem {vlan name}

disable icmp port-unreachables {vlan name}

disable icmp time-exceeded {vlan name}

disable icmp unreachables {vlan name}

disable icmp timestamp {vlan name}

If you use any of these route manager commands in a configuration file, error messages similar to the following appear in the log:
01/09/2019 19:30:12.26 <Noti:cm.sys.ApplCfgObjOptUnsuprt> The "rtmgr" application "icmp" configuration object "icmpUnreachables" option is not supported.
01/09/2019 19:30:12.26 <Noti:cm.sys.ApplCfgObjOptUnsuprt> The "rtmgr" application "icmp" configuration object "icmpTimeStamp" option is not supported.
01/09/2019 19:30:12.26 <Noti:cm.sys.ApplCfgObjOptUnsuprt> The "rtmgr" application "icmp" configuration object "icmpTimeExceeded" option is not supported.
01/09/2019 19:30:12.26 <Noti:cm.sys.ApplCfgObjOptUnsuprt> The "rtmgr" application "icmp" configuration object "icmpPortUnreachables" option is not supported.
01/09/2019 19:30:12.26 <Noti:cm.sys.ApplCfgObjOptUnsuprt> The "rtmgr" application "icmp" configuration object "icmpParamProblem" option is not supported.
01/09/2019 19:30:12.25 <Noti:cm.sys.ApplCfgObjOptUnsuprt> The "rtmgr" application "icmp" configuration object "icmpAddressMask" option is not supported.
If you use any of these route manager commands in a script, error messages similar to the following appear on the console:
Error in script "static-bfd2.xsf", line 50
%% Unrecognized command:  "enable icmp address-mask vlan "vlan1_2""
%% Invalid input detected.
Error in script "static-bfd2.xsf", line 51
%% Unrecognized command:  "enable icmp timestamp vlan "vlan1_2""
%% Invalid input detected.

Multicast Manager

configure pim {ipv4 | ipv6} register-checksum-to [include-data | exclude-data]



The exclude-data option in this command is the RFC-compliant implementation. This is the default configuration in 22.x and 30.x versions. The include-data option was provided to be compatible with Cisco's implementation. However, Cisco recently has also adopted an RFC-compliant implementation.

If you upgrade to 30.x with an older configuration set to include-data, the following error messages are logged, and the switch is upgraded to an exclude-data configuration:
<Noti:cm.sys.ApplCfgObjOptUnsuprt> The "pim" application "pimGlobal6" configuration object "regChkSum" option is not supported.
 <Noti:cm.sys.ApplCfgObjOptUnsuprt> The "pim" application "pimGlobal" configuration object "regChkSum" option is not supported.
After the switch boots with an 30.x image, error messages no longer appear.

To work with 22.x switches, if you have include-data configuration on your 22.x switch, continuous error messages appear when PIM register messages are exchanged: <Erro:pim.cache.RegMsgCksumFail> Register message from <ip >, to <ip> failed the checksum test. To avoid these error messages, change to the default behavior (exclude-data) for the configuration on the 22.x switch.