show mac-address-table

Displays MAC address table information.


show mac-address-table
show mac-address-table bridge-domain [ id ]
show mac-address-table cluster cluster-ID [ { bridge-domain [ bd-ID ] } | [client client-ID ] | client-pw| local | remote | [vlan vlan-ID ] ]
show mac-address-table count [ bridge-domain id ]

show mac-address-table [ address mac-address ] [ aging-time] | [dynamic [address mac-address ] | [ interface ethernet slot/port | port-channel interface number] | vlan vlan id] ] | [interface {ethernet slot/port | port-channel number} | tunnel tunnel id] | [ mdb [ mac-address] | client <client-name> | vlan <vlan-id>]] | [static [address mac-address] | [interface { ethernet slot/port | port-channel number } ] | [vlanvlan id] | [vlanvlan id]

show mac-address-table mac-move [shut-list ]


bridge-domain id
Specifies the displaying of MAC addresses learned under a bridge domain. When a bridge domain identifier is not specified, information is displayed about MAC addresses learned under all bridge domains.
cluster cluster-ID
Displays the MAC addresses learned under the specified MCT cluster ID.
bridge-domain id
Displays the MAC addresses learned for the bridge domain of the MCT cluster. When a bridge domain identifier is not specified, information is displayed about MAC addresses learned under all bridge domains.
client client-ID
Displays the MAC addresses learned for the client ID of the MCT cluster.
Specifies the PW client to display all the MAC addresses learned from other VPLS PE nodes over MCT bridge domains. ( SLX 9640 and SLX 9540 devices only)
Displays the local MAC addresses for the cluster or the specified client ID.
Displays the remote MAC addresses for the cluster or the specified client ID.
vlan vlan-ID
Displays the MAC addresses for the client VLAN ID of the MCT cluster.
address MAC-address
Displays forwarding information for a 48-bit MAC address. The valid format is H.H.H (available in Privileged EXEC mode only).
Displays aging-time.
dynamic address MAC-address
Specifies the dynamic MAC addresses for an Ethernet interface, port-channel, or VLAN. The valid format is H.H.H (available in Privileged EXEC mode only).
interface ethernet slot/port
Specifies the Ethernet interface with a valid slot number/port number.
port-channel number
Specifies the port channel interface number.
vlan vlan id
Specifies the VLAN interface. The VLAN ID range is from 1 - 4090.
tunnel tunnel id
Specifies the tunnel interface. The tunnel ID range is from 1 - 100000.
mdb MAC-address
Specifies the MDB information for the cluster client specific macs. The valid format is H.H.H (available in Privileged EXEC mode only).
client client-name
Displays the client instance. Specify the client name with a maximum of 64 characters.
static address mac-address
Specifies the static MAC address for an Ethernet interface, port-channel, or VLAN. The valid format is H.H.H (available in Privileged EXEC mode only).
Displays all mac-move-detect configuration.
Displays the interfaces in the shutdown list.


Privileged EXEC mode.

Usage Guidelines

The MAC Type for an MCT cluster displays the following information:


The following example shows how to display MAC table information for all bridge domains.

device# show mac-address-table bridge-domain

VlanId/BD-Id   Mac-address 		  Type     State     Ports/LIF/peer-ip
629(B)	        0011.2222.5555 	Dynamic  Active    eth 1/3.100
629(B)	        0011.2222.6666 	Dynamic  Inactive  eth 1/1.500
629(B)	        0011.2222.1122 	Dynamic  Active
629(B)	        0011.2222.3333 	static   Inactive  po 5.700
629(B)	        0011.0101.5555 	Dynamic  Active    eth 1/2.400

Total MAC addresses : 5

The following example shows the number of forwarding entries in the MAC address table for bridge domain 1.

device# show mac-address-table count bridge-domain 1

Total MAC addresses : 5


The following example shows how to display the MAC address table aging time.

device# show mac-address-table aging-time
MAC Aging-time : 300 seconds


The following example shows how to display the MAC address table for an MCT cluster.

device# show mac-address-table cluster 1
Vlan/BD'Id Mac-address     Type        State    Ports
100(V)     0010.a111.aaaa  CCL         Active   ETH3/1
100(V)     0010.a111.aa22  Static-CCL  Active   ETH3/1
100(V)     0010.a111.bbbb  CCR         Active   ETH3/1
200(V)     003d.a111.1111  Dynamic     Active   Eth 1/1
200(V)     003d.a111.1122  Static      Active   Eth 1/1
200(V)     003d.a111.3333  EVPN        Active
200(V)     003d.a111.3322  EVPN-Static Active


The following example shows the mac-address-table information for BGP EVPN Multi-homed devices.

device# show mac-address-table
Type Code - CCL:Cluster Client Local MAC
            CCR:Cluster Client Remote MAC
            CR:Cluster Remote MAC
            ES:Ethernet Segment 
VlanId/BDId   Mac-address       Type        State      Ports/LIF/PW/T
30 (V)        0010.9400.0102    EVPN        Active     Tu 32771 (
                                                       Tu 32772 (
30 (V)        0010.9400.0202    EVPN        Active     Tu 32771 (
30 (V)        0010.9400.0302    EVPN        Active     Tu 32771 (