profile lag

Configures a LAG profile for hardware support.


profile lag { default | lag-profile-1 }

Command Default

The default LAG profile is enabled.


Specifies the default LAG profile. As described in the Usage Guidelines, the maximum numbers of port-channel IDs and links per port-channel vary with device and TCAM profile.
Specifies lag-profile-1 as the LAG profile. As described in the Usage Guidelines, the maximum numbers of port-channel IDs and links per port-channel vary with device and TCAM profile.


Hardware configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported only on devices based on the Broadcom DNX chipset family. For a list of such devices, see the Supported Hardware topic.

To view the current LAG profile, enter the show hardware profile current command.

For the new setting to take effect, you need to run the copy running-config startup-config to reload the device. Run this command during a maintenance window so that the profile changes are activated without interrupting normal network services.

This command does not support a no form. Use the profile lag default form of the command to restore the default LAG profile.

Port channel scale and support for SLX 9740

Table 1. Port-channel scale for SLX 9740 device.
Device LAG Profile Supported port-channel IDs Maximum links per port-channel
SLX 9740-40 default 1-256; Only 77 port-channels may be created at one time. 64
SLX 9740-80 default 1-256; Only 153 port-channels may be created at one time. 64


  • For the 1U SLX 9740-40, the number of LAGs will be 77, where:
    • 76 are the front end ports (all breakouts)
    • 1 (insight port)
  • For the 2U SLX 9740-80, the number of LAGs will be 153. where:
    • 152 are the front end ports (all breakouts)
    • 1 (insight port)
Maximum numbers of port-channel IDs and links per port-channel vary with device and LAG profile, as follows.
Table 2. Port-channel scale for SLX 9540 and SLX 9640 devices

Supported port-channel IDs

Maximum links per port-channel

1–256; Only 64 port-channels may be created at any one time.


1–256; Only 64 port-channels may be created at any one time.



The following example specifies lag-profile-1.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# hardware
device(config-hardware)# profile lag lag-profile-1
**Warning: To activate the new profile config, please run 'copy running-config 
startup-config' followed by reload system.