Displays details of the active hardware profile, with options to filter by TCAM profile, counter profile, or LAG profile.
Privileged EXEC mode
If the profile counters are changed from default to counter-profile- and the statistics-based encapsulations are not available, then the LSPs that need statistics will not be brought up (either due to exhaustion or due to activating a counter profile that does not support statistics).
You can check whether the statistics-based encapsulations are needed by using the show run router mpls policy command to see if statistics are enabled in MPLS. LSPs that have auto-bandwidth configured and bridge-domains that have statistics configured also need statistics-based encapsulations.
If statistics are enabled, the LSPs and bridge-domains stay down. In the case of LSPs, the show mpls lsp {detail | extensive | name <lsp name>} command displays, "Statistics not available" in the down reason code.
This example shows profile information for an SLX 9740.
SLX# show hardware profile route default switch type: SLX9740-40C ________________________________________________________________ SLX ROUTE profile: DEFAULT v4mcast: 16384 v6mcast: 8192 ipv4-routes: 2048000 ipv6-routes: 2048000 ECMP next-hops: 32768 next-hops: 65536 arp: 104448 ipv6 nd: 104448 l2-mac: 614400
The following example displays details of the current active hardware profile.
device# show hardware profile current switch type: current TCAM profile: DEFAULT l2-acl: 2038 l3v4-acl: 6134 l3v6-acl: 6134 l3v4-acl-vxlan: 0 l2l3v4Of: 0 egrl2-acl: 2038 egrl3-acl: 2038 l3v6-of: 0 Flex-acl: 0 App_tel_acl: 0 _________________________________________________________________ current SLX ROUTE profile: ROUTE-DEFAULT hwopt: Disabled v4FibComp: Disabled v6FibComp: Disabled multivrf: Disabled ________________________________________________________________ current LAG profile: LAG-DEFAULT max-lag: 64 _________________________________________________________________ current COUNTERS profile: COUNTERS-PROFILE-6 InLIF - HitCount: 16384 InL4 - HitCount: 16384 InVE - HitCount: 0 OutLIF - HitCount: 16384 OutL4 - HitCount: 0 OutVE - HitCount: 16384 _________________________________________________________________ current CAM Share: l2In-acl: no l3v4In-acl: no l3v4-pbr: no l3v6In-acl: no l3v6-pbr: no Ofv4: no Ofl3v6: no
The following example displays details of the default counters profile.
device# show hardware profile counters default switch type: SLX COUNTERS profile: COUNTERS-DEFAULT InLIF - HitCount: 32768 InL4 - HitCount: 16384 InVE - HitCount: 12288 OutLIF - HitCount: 16384 OutL4 - HitCount: 16384 OutVE - HitCount: 12288
The following example displays information about a specific LAG profile.
device# show hardware profile lag lag-profile-1 switch type: SLX9540 LAG profile: LAG-PROFILE-1 max-lag: 64
The following example displays information about a specific TCAM profile.
device# show hardware profile tcam layer2-optimised-1 switch type: SLX9540 TCAM profile: LAYER2-OPT-1 l2-acl: 6134 l3v4-acl: 6134 l3v6-acl: 2038 l3v4-acl-vxlan: 0 l2l3v4Of: 0 egrl2-acl: 1014 egrl3-acl: 1014 l3v6-of: 0 Flex-acl: 0 App_tel_acl: 0
The following example displays information about profile etcam default, ipv4-v6-route, and ipv6 route.
device# show hardware profile etcam default switch type: SLX9640 ETCAM profile: DEFAULT ipv4-routes: 4000000 ipv6-routes: 256000 _________________________________________________________________ device# show hardware profile etcam ipv4-v6-route switch type: SLX9640 ETCAM profile: IPV4-V6-ROUTE ipv4-routes: 4000000 ipv6-routes: 700000 _________________________________________________________________ device# show hardware profile etcam ipv6-route switch type: SLX9640 ETCAM profile: IPV6-ROUTE ipv4-routes: 1000000 ipv6-routes: 1000000The following example shows the cam-sharing status.
device# show hardware profile cam-share switch type: SLX9540 CAM Share: l2In-acl: no l3v4In-acl: no l3v4-pbr: no l3v6In-acl: no l3v6-pbr: no Ofv4: no Ofl3v6: no
switch type: SLX9540 SLX# show hardware profile counters counter-profile-6 switch type: BR-SLX9540 ________________________________________________________________ COUNTERS profile: COUNTERS-PROFILE-6 InLIF - HitCount: 16384 InL4 - HitCount: 16384 InVE - HitCount: 0 OutLIF - HitCount: 16384 OutL4 - HitCount: 0 OutVE - HitCount: 16384 ________________________________________________________________ SLX# show hardware profile counters counter-profile-6 switch type: BR-SLX9640 ________________________________________________________________ COUNTERS profile: COUNTERS-PROFILE-6 InLIF - HitCount: 16384 InL4 - HitCount: 16384 InVE - HitCount: 0 OutLIF - HitCount: 16384 OutL4 - HitCount: 0 OutVE - HitCount: 16384