show mvrp interface

Displays the MVRP information for an interface including status, timer and applicant-mode settings and information about registered, declared, and forbidden VLANs.


show mvrp inteface { ethernet slot/port | port-channel number }


ethernet slot/port
Specifies the Ethernet interface.
port-channel number
Specifies the port channel of the interface.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

This feature is supported on the SLX 9250, SLX 9540, SLX 9640, and SLX 9740 devices.


The show mvrp interface command displays the following information:

Output field Description
MVRP Status Whether MVRP is enabled or disabled on the interface
Join-timer (in centiseconds) Join timer setting configured on the interface
Leave-timer (in centiseconds) Leave timer setting configured on the interface
Leaveall-timer (in centiseconds) Leave-all timer setting configured on the interface
P2p Whether the interface is a point-to-point
Applicant Mode Whether the interface applicant mode is a normal-participant or non-participant
Registered Vlan(s) List of registered VLANs on the interface
Declared Vlan(s) List of declared VLANs on the interface
Forbidden Vlan(s) List of forbidden VLANs on the interface


The following example displays the MVRP information for an Ethernet interface.

device# show mvrp interface ethernet 0/1
MVRP Status                            : Enabled
Join-timer(in centiseconds)            : 20
Leave-timer(in centiseconds)           : 100
Leaveall-timer(in centiseconds)        : 1000
P2p                                    : Yes
Applicant Mode                         : normal-participant
Registered Vlan(s)                     : 1 to 60 77 100 to 500 999
Declared Vlan(s)                       : 1 to 60 77 100 to 500 999
Forbidden Vlan(s)                      : 10