tpvm download

Downloads the TPVM image from the remote location, and then optionally, verifies if the file size and the version of the downloaded TPVM image is correct.


tpvm download { block } directory remote-directory-name filename image-file-name host [ hostname | ip-address ] password password protocol [ SCP | SFTP | FTP ] { sanitize [ yes | no ] } use-vrf vrf-name user user-name


Optional Parameter. When passed, it enables NetCONF/RPC requests to operate in the blocking mode. When not passed, NetCONF/RPC operation is always non-blocking. This parameter does not affect CLI commands as CLI is always considered blocking in nature.
directory remote-directory-name
Specifies the remote directory that contains the TPVM image.
filename image-file-name
Specifies the TPVM Debian image file name.
host [ hostname | ip-address ]
Specifies the remote server. Remote server information can be provided either as a hostname or ip-address.
password password
Password for the username provide in the user parameter.
protocol [ SCP | SFTP | FTP ]
Protocol that is preferred for accessing the remote host. Select one of the three protocols.
sanitize [ yes | no ]
Optional parameter. When set to yes, the TPVM image file is verified for size and version number after being downloaded. When set to no, the TPVM image is downloaded but not verified.
use-vrf vrf-name
Defines the VRF to use to access the remote host.
user user-name
The account that will be used to access the remote host. The password of this account is passed in the password parameter.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

Use the optional sanitize key to ensure that the downloaded TPVM image is verified for version and length after it has been downloaded from the remote server.

Use the optional block key to indicate that NetCONF/RPC calls are considered blocking in nature. By default, NetCONF/RPC calls are non-blocking. Also, CLI commands are always blocking by nature. This key does not affect this action when performed through SLX-OS CLI.


The following example shows the usage of the tpvm download command. This example shows the interactive mode for this command.

SLX # tpvm download
Value for 'protocol' [ftp,scp,sftp]: sftp
Value for 'user' (<string>): user
Value for 'password' (<string>): ****
Value for 'host' : host
Value for 'directory' (<string>): /home/user/download
Value for 'filename' (<string>): tpvm-test-image.deb

2021/07/20-13:16:47, [DCM-1454], 44533,, INFO, mct2_EN15_F19, Operation:download mode:sync started.
Starting TPVM download, please DO NOT press CTRL+C