Configuring a Windows IAS-based RADIUS server

Step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring Internet Authentication Service (IAS) with Microsoft Windows server 2008 (or earlier versions, Windows 2003 or 2000) can be obtained from or your Microsoft documentation. Confer with your system or network administrator prior to configuration for any special needs your network environment may have.

Use the following information to configure the Internet Authentication Service for a device.



This is not a complete presentation of steps.
  1. In the New RADIUS Client window, choose RADIUS Standard from the Client-Vendor menu.
  2. Configure the Dial-in Profile dialog box as follows:
    1. Select the Advanced tab.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the RADIUS Standard list, select Vendor-Specific, and click Add.
      The Multivalued Attribute Information dialog box appears.
    3. Click Add in the Multivalued Attribute Information dialog box.
      The Vendor-Specific Attribute Information dialog box appears.
    4. Enter the Extreme vendor code value.
    5. Select Yes. It conforms. and then click Configure Attribute.
      The Configure VSA (RFC compliant) dialog box appears.
    6. In the Configure VSA (RFC compliant) dialog box, enter the following values and click OK:
      • Vendor-assigned attribute number—Enter the value 1.
      • Attribute format—Enter the value String.
    The RADIUS server is now configured.

The following image shows the different screens configured in this task.

Click to expand in new window
Windows server VSA configuration