Change BMC User Password

BMC firmware ships with the well known default User ID of 2 with the password set to qct.admin. This information being well know, is a huge vulnerability and the best practice is to change the default password as early as possible.

To change the password for a specific BMC user:
From the Exec mode prompt, execute the bmc user along with the password to be set for that user.
SLX# bmc user 2 password mypassword 
  Set User Password command successful (user 2)
The user account's password will be successfully changed and the message Set User Password command successful (user 2) will be displayed if the password is changed successfully.

The following example shows how to change a BMC user password

SLX# bmc user 2 password mypassword
  Set User Password command successful (user 2)

The following example shows the output when you try to assign the same password.

SLX# bmc user 2 password oldpassword
  IPMI command failed: Unknown (0x19)
  Set User Password command failed (user 2)
The following example shows the output when you try to assign a password with length shorter than the minimum password length

SLX# bmc user 2 password oldp
  IPMI command failed: Request data length invalid
  Set User Password command failed (user 2)

To verify your changed password, try using the ipmitool command to view the BMC information. A valid output will be shown if your password change is successful.