Configuring Mutual Authentication for gNMI

Install or import the certificates for the gNMI Server.

To configure Mutual Authentication do the following:

  1. Import the gNMI server certificates.
     crypto ca import-pkcs type pkcs12 cert-type gNMI-server protocol FTP directory /dir-name file file-name source-ip host host-address user user-name password scp password use-vrf mgmt-vrf
  2. Import the client's CA certificates.
    crypto import gnmiclientca directory /mydir-name file /myfile-name 
        host user user-name password password 
  3. To configure the secure port for the gNMI server, navigate to the gNMI server context.
    SLX (config)# gNMI server
    SLX (config-gNMI-server)# 
  4. Configure the secure port for the server. The port can be any user configured port. Here the configuration is for port 9449.
    SLX (config-gNMI-server)# secure-port 9449  
    SLX (config-gNMI-server)#