Creating an overlay access list

  1. From the privileged EXEC mode, enter the global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Use the overlay access-list type vxlan command to create an overlay access list.
    Enter the parameter extended for creating an overlay access list of type extended or standard for creating an overlay access list of type standard.
    device(config)# overlay access-list type vxlan extended abc_ext
    2016/08/15-23:29:09, [SSMD-1400], 4282, M1 | Active | DCE, INFO, SLX, Overlay access list abc_ext is created
  3. Use the seq command to insert filtering rules in the overlay access list.
    device(config-overlay-vxlan-ext-vlx_al)# seq 12 permit dst-vtep-ip-host src-vtep-ip-host vni-any sflow count
    2016/08/15-23:29:43, [SSMD-1404], 4283, M1 | Active | DCE, INFO, SLX, Overlay access list abc_ext rule sequence number 12 is added.