Non-Interactive Mode

An IPv6 parameter in single-node and multi-node deployment takes only IPv6 inputs for IPv6 single-stack deployment.

Legacy IPv4 or Dual mode will still use the existing mechanism. The installer checks for an optional VIP6 address, based on which operational IP mode is classified as “ipv4” or “dual”.



Fabric suite does not support pure IPv6 mode. An error on not supporting IPv6 mode appears when you select IPv6 single-stack mode when deploying fabric suite.
SLX# efa deploy non-interactive multi-node

Possible completions:
  ipv6        IPv6 single-stack Deployment
  package     Path to EFA bundle
SLX# efa deploy non-interactive single-node

Possible completions:
  ipv6        IPv6 single-stack Deployment
  package     Path to EFA bundle
The following example shows the use of IPv6 parameters in a non-interactive multi-node deployment:
efa deploy non-interactive multi-node ipv6 package /efaboot/efa-3.2.0-1.tar.gz peer-node 2000::1 vip6 2000:2 ping-target 3000:1 management-ip sub-interface-name sub1 sub-vlan-id 100 external-v6-subnet 2000:1::3/64
The following example shows the use of IPv6 parameters in a non-interactive single-node deployment:
efa deploy non-interactive single-node ipv6 package /efaboot/efa-3.2.0-1.tar.gz management-ip sub-interface-name sub1 sub-vlan-id 100 external-v6-subnet 2000::1/64


For syntax and command examples, see ExtremeCloud Orchestrator Command Reference, 3.2.1