TPVM Incremental Upgrade using Auto-Reboot

TPVM incremental upgrade on a multi-node TPVM in XCO 3.2.0 removes the need of manual reboot of TPVM nodes.

About this task

TPVM incremental upgrade on a multi-node TPVM in EFA 3.1.0 or earlier requires manual reboot of standby and active TPVM nodes.

XCO 3.2.0 provides an auto-reboot option in the incremental upgrade command. The upgrade process reboots the standby TPVM first (if required) and waits till the standby TPVM comes up. After the standby TPVM is up and running, the upgrade process reboots the active TPVM (if required). Use the efa status command to verify the active and standby TPVM node status.

If the auto-reboot feature reboots the active TPVM, ensure that you run the show command on the active TPVM to check the upgrade status. Use the show command in the following two cases:

  • Using the IP addresses of the devices.
  • Using execution ID: You must store the upgrade status information. If the active TPVM reboots, use this information on the new active TPVM.


Run the following TPVM upgrade command:
efa inventory device tpvm-upgrade execute --ip <deviceips> --firmware-host <firmarehost> --tpvm-image <tpvm_image> --auto-reboot


The following examples show the TPVM upgrade configuration with the auto-reboot option:

$ efa inventory device tpvm-upgrade execute --ip, --firmware-host --tpvm-image /buildsjc/sre_fusion/Nightly/tpvm/ci_tpvm/tpvm_inc_upg-4.5.5-5.amd64.deb --auto-reboot 

TPVM Upgrade Execute [success]
Monitor TPVM upgrade execution progress using:

  efa inventory device tpvm-upgrade show --ip, 
  efa inventory device tpvm-upgrade show --execution-id aac8b30e-6911-4bea-8f67-986bd40528a9 

Please do not execute other commands on the device until process is completed

$ efa inventory device tpvm-upgrade show --ip,
|IP     |Host|Model|Chassis |   ASN     |Role |Current TPVM|Target TPVM|Update  |     Status     | Detailed Status   |Failed|Upgrade    |   Start Time     | Last Update Time  |
|Address|Name|     |Name    |           |     |Version     |Version    |State   |                |                   |State |Type       |                  |                   |
||SLX |4001 |BR      |4200000000 |Leaf |4.5.5       |           |In      |TPVM Upgrade    |None               |      |Incremental|2022-12-10        | 2022-12-10        |
|       |    |     |-SLX9640|           |     |            |           |Progress|Started         |                   |      |Upgrade    |19:36:05 -0800 PST| 19:39:26 -0800 PST|
||SLX |4001 |BR      |4200000000 |Leaf |4.5.5       |4.5.5      |In      |Reboot Required |Waiting for TPVM   |      |Incremental|2022-12-10        | 2022-12-10        |
|       |    |     |-SLX9640|           |     |            |           |Progress|on TPVM Instance|Instance to come up|      |Upgrade    |19:36:05 -0800 PST| 19:40:31 -0800 PST|