Installing the Hyperglance Virtual Machine Server

You need to download the Hyperglance installation software to the ESXi server prior to installation. Go to, and click Download for Free.

To install the Hyperglance server:

  1. From the vSphere client, click File > Deploy OVF Template.
  2. Go to the directory where the downloaded Hyperglance server VM resides.
  3. Click Next through the OVF Template Details.
  4. At the Name and Location section, name the VM.
  5. Use the default settings in Disk Format.
  6. Click Next to go to the Network Mapping section. Under Destination Networks, select the destination your sever interface will reside on (eth0 configured for DHCP).
  7. Click Next to finish the configuration. Importing may take several minutes to finish.
  8. Start the Hyperglance VM from the vSphere client by right-clicking, selecting power, power on, or by selecting the VM, and then clicking the green arrow icon on the vSphere client toolbar.
  9. Log on to the server console.

    Logon = hyperglance/hyperglance

    root = sudo su/password = hyperglance

    Manual config = /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

  10. Enter the following command to see what IP address the server retained: <ifconfig> as eth0 is configured for DHCP initially. If a static is needed the following steps can be used for manual configuration.
  11. If a second interface is needed for your configuration:


    • Manual configuration of the interface(s) can be done by vi of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.
    • If an additional interface is required user can cp ifcfg-eth0 to cfg-eth1. DHCP or static can be configured. A mapping on the ESXi server is also required in order for eth1 to become functional.
    1. Select Hyperglance Server VM through the vSphere client.
    2. In the right pane click Edit virtual machine settings, and then Add a Network adapter.
    3. Select the correct adapter type E1000 and configured Network connection for that interface. You may need to reboot the VM.
    4. If problems occur,enter the following command <rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules>, and then reboot.