OpenStack VM to VM Communication Using Manual User Mapping

Ping VM created on Compute from VM created on Controller.

  • Have OneController open in web browser.
  • Have SSH Karaf command line interface session open. This is needed to get the VTN names created by OpenStack so that you can manually map port/VLANs of Summit 440 series switches to appropriate vInterface of VM.$ ssh karaf@ -p 8101
    Password authentication
    Password: (karaf)
    opendaylight-user@root>log:tail |grep vtn
  • Have an SSH session of VTN coordinator VM to input cURL commands.
  • Have proper cURL commands ready (see cURL Commands)
  1. Project > Network > Network Topology.
  2. In upper-right corner, click Create Network.
  3. Create the network, and then add a subnet.
  4. Click Project > Compute > Instance.
  5. Create VM1:
    1. Use Flavor == m1.tiny and image == cirros.
    2. Click the Network tab, and then use the network created in step 3.
  6. Verify the VTN names in SSH session.
  7. Map vInterface of VM to VLAN/port that VM is directly connected to on the Summit X440 switch.
  8. Create VM2:
    1. Use Flavor == m1.tiny and image == cirros.
    2. Click the Network tab, and then use the network created in step 3.
  9. Verify the VTN names in SSH session.
  10. Map vInterface of VM to VLAN/port that VM is directly connected to on the Summit X440 switch using the cURL commands (see cURL Commands).
  11. Verify that a VM resides on each server (Junoos-control-compute1.ova and Junoos-compute2).
  12. Open the VM console in a new browser tab.
  13. After the port/VLAN/VTN mapping has occured, the VMs can obtina a DHCP address. On each VM console execute:
    sudo ifup eth0
    sudo ifconfig
  14. Ping VM1 to VM2.
  15. Ping VM2 to VM1.