Configuring Wide Key ACL Modes

To configure the TCAM width of a slot, switch in a SummitStack or stand-alone switch, use the following command:

configure access-list width [double | single] [slot slotNo | all]

You must reboot for the configuration to take effect.

If you attempt to configure a double wide mode on a slot or switch that does not support it, an error message is displayed.

When switching from single wide key mode to double wide key mode and rebooting, the following conditions apply:
  • Configurations that have less that one-half the number of ACL rules that the single wide key mode supports, reboot successfully.

  • Configurations that have more than one-half the number of ACL rules that the single wide key mode supports, fail after the reboot.

When switching from double wide key mode to single wide key mode and rebooting, the following conditions apply:
  • Configurations that do not use the additional condition combinations that double wide key mode offers, reboot successfully.

  • Configurations that use the additional condition combinations that the double wide key mode offers, fail after the reboot.

To display the wide key mode settings, use the following command:

show access-list width [slot slotNo | all]