
Messages are issued with one of the following severity levels: Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug-Summary, Debug-Verbose, or Debug-Data, which are described in the table below.

When a message is sent to a syslog target, the severity is mapped to a corresponding syslog priority value (see RFC 3164).

The three severity levels for extended debugging—Debug-Summary, Debug-Verbose, and Debug-Data—require that log debug mode be enabled (which may cause a performance degradation).

See Displaying Debug Information for more information about debugging.

Table 1. Severity Levels Assigned by the Switch
Level Description
Critical A serious problem has been detected that is compromising the operation of the system; the system cannot function as expected unless the situation is remedied. The switch may need to be reset.
Error A problem has been detected that is interfering with the normal operation of the system; the system is not functioning as expected.
Warning An abnormal condition, not interfering with the normal operation of the system, has been detected that indicate that the system or the network in general may not be functioning as expected.
Notice A normal but significant condition has been detected, which signals that the system is functioning as expected.
Info (Informational) A normal but potentially interesting condition has been detected, which signals that the system is functioning as expected; this level simply provides potentially detailed information or confirmation.
Debug-Summary A condition has been detected that may interest a developer seeking the reason underlying some system behavior.
Debug-Verbose A condition has been detected that may interest a developer analyzing some system behavior at a more verbose level than provided by the debug summary information.
Debug-Data A condition has been detected that may interest a developer inspecting the data underlying some system behavior.