crypto ca enroll

Enrolls the trust point by generating the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and exporting it to the remote certificate server.


crypto ca enroll { trustpointCA_name directory remote_dir_name host host_address protocol {FTP | SCP} user host_login password host_user_password country country state state locality locality organization organization orgunit orgunit common common_name}


Defines the name of the trust point you are enrolling. This name needs to be the same as that of the trust point created by the crypto ca trustpoint command. The string for the name can not be left blank. The length of the string can range from 1 through 64 characters.
directory remote_dir_name
Defines the path of the directory to export the Certificate Signing Request.
host host_address
Defines the host name or IP address of the remote certificate server.
protocol {FTP | SCP}
Specifies the use of either FTP or SCP protocol for exporting the certification file.
user host_login
Defines user name for the host server.
password host_user_password
Defines the password for the user name on the host server.


It is recommended to not list the password in command line for security purposes; the user will be prompted for the password.

country country
Defines the two-letter country code for generating the CSR.
state state
Defines the state name for generating the CSR.
locality locality
Defines the locality name for generating the CSR.
organization organization
Defines the organizational unit name for generating the CSR.
orgunit orgunit
Defines the name of the certification file.
common common_name
This is the name used to connect to the device through HTTPS. Enter a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address. If a FQDN is used, you need to configure a domain name and name server on the device.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

The trustpoint_CAname name needs to be the same as that of the trust point created by the crypto ca trustpoint command.


Typical command example:

device# crypto ca enroll t1 cert-type https country US state CA locality SJ organization BRC orgunit SFI common protocol SCP host user fvt directory /proj/crypto
Password: **********