efa tenant po create

Creates a portchannel.


efa tenant po create [ --name tenant-name | --tenant tenant-name | --speed speed-value | --negotiation neg-value | --port port-list | --number po-id ]


name PortChannel Name
Specifies the portchannel name.
tenant tenant name
Specifies the tenant name.
speed value
Configure speed for the portchannel and its Member ports. Valid values are 100Mbps|1Gbps|10Gbps|25Gbps|40Gbps|100Gbps.
negotiation value
Configure LACP Negotiation mode for portchannel. Valid values are active|passive|static.
port value
Specifies device ip along with ethernet port details. Example: SW1_IP[0/1],SW2_IP[0/5]
number value
Portchannel interface number generated by the service.


efa tenant po create --name po5 --port [0/1], [0/1], --negotiation active --tenant vPOD1