- Migration of older version of EFA
to newer version of EFA is similar to adding devices to newer fabric and
configuring fabric. If there are no changes in fabric configuration, devices
migrate to the newer version of EFA successfully. Limitation on pre-validations
and post-validations apply. Similar limitations apply to fabric configured
through CLI or out-of-band means.
- As part of pre-validations, ASN,
IP address of interface, loopback interface IP, and MCT VE IP validations are
done. Other pre-validations mentioned in Pre-validation of Configuration are NOT
- Post-validation is NOT handled.
- If you enter a fabric name that
already exists with added devices, import fails.
- If the existing fabric type
mismatches with the fabric to be imported, import fails.
- If the fabric name entered is
“default” and import fails, the fabric properties rollback to the original
- Non-CLOS Embedded fabric import
is not supported.
- If the user explicitly changes
the device credentials which are not in-sync with Embedded fabric database, the
device registration fails.
The following are not supported:
- Devices with preexisting
configuration and configured through out-of-band means such as CLI and not
through Embedded fabric.
- Devices configured through
Embedded fabric and firmware upgraded to SLX 20.1.1 release containing
simplified MCT feature. Import fails if you perform firmware upgrade before
importing. Import the fabric first and then perform firmware upgrade.
- Brownfield configurations