Cloning within a Stack

To clone within a stack, you can either:
  • Run the synchronize {slot slotid} command, which invokes the script. You can only clone one slot/switch at a time. For more information, see synchronize in the ExtremeXOS 22.4 Command Reference Guide.
  • Run the script directly, which allows you to specify multiple slots/switches. If more than one slot is specified, the master is cloned to each slot one at a time.

To clone within a stack by running the script directly, on the master switch, enter the command:

run script slot slotlist

Where slotlist can be any number of valid slot positions separated with commas, or all. For example, run script slot 1,2,3

The following appears on the master switch:
+                    C A U T I O N                    +
+   Cloning will erase all contents on these slots:   +
+                    1,3,4,5,6,7,8                    +
+     The switch contents of this stacking master     +
+     will replace the contents of these switches     +
Do you want to continue cloning? [y/N]: y
Cloning slot 1 started
Slot 1 cloning COMPLETE
Cloning slot 3 started
Slot 3 cloning COMPLETE
Cloning slot 4 started
Slot 4 cloning COMPLETE
Cloning slot 5 started
Slot 5 cloning COMPLETE
Cloning slot 6 started
Slot 6 cloning COMPLETE
Cloning slot 7 started
Slot 7 cloning COMPLETE
Cloning slot 8 started
Slot 8 cloning COMPLETE
On each slot, the following appears:
Cloning stack master. DO NOT REBOOT OR POWER CYCLE this switch
Starting cloning process
Transfering EXOS partitions and configuration

Transferring active EXOS partition.........
Updating active partition
Transferring inactive EXOS partition................
Transferring /usr/local/cfg directory......
Transfering NVRAM information from master switch
Transfering control information from master switch

Rebooting to master switch configuration
You may need to adjust any IP addresses that may have been copied from the master switch
*   Cloning COMPLETE   *
Rebooting ...
reboot: Restarting system