Keywords such as vlan, stp, and other second-level keywords are reserved and you cannot use them as object names. This restriction only applies to the specific word e.g (vlan); you can use expanded versions e.g (vlan2) of the word.
A complete list of the reserved keywords for ExtremeXOS 12.4.2 and later software is displayed in Reserved Keywords. Any keyword that is not on this list can be used as an object name.
Reserved Keywords
Reserved Keywords | ||||
aaa access-list account accounts all bandwidth banner bfd bgp bootp bootprelay brm bvlan cancel cfgmgr cfm checkpoint- data clear-flow cli cli-config- logging clipaging configuration configure continuous count counters cpu-monitoring cvlan debug debug-mode devmgr dhcp dhcp-client dhcp-server diagnostics diffserv dns-client dont-fragment dos-protect dot1ag dot1p dot1q ds eaps edp egress elrp elrp-client |
elsm ems epm esrp fabric failover failsafe- account fans fdb fdbentry firmware flood-group flooding flow-control flow-redirect forwarding from get hal hclag heartbeat icmp identity- management idletimeout idmgr igmp image ingress inline-power internal- memory interval iob-debug-level iparp ipconfig ipforwarding ipmc ipmcforwarding ipmroute ip-mtu ip-option iproute ip-security ipstats ipv4 IPv4 ipv6 |
IPv6 ipv6acl irdp isid isis jumbo-frame jumbo-frame-size l2stats l2vpn lacp learning learning-domain license license-info licenses lldp log loopback-mode mac mac-binding mac-lockdown- timeout management mcast memory memorycard meter mirror mld mpls mrinfo msdp msgsrv msm msm-failover mstp mtrace multiple- response-timeout mvr neighbor- discovery netlogin nettools node nodemgr odometers ospf ospfv3 |
pim policy ports power primary private-vlan process protocol put qosprofile qosscheduler radius radius- accounting rip ripng rmon router- discovery rtmgr safe-default- script script secondary session sflow sharing show slot slot-poll- interval smartredundancy snmp snmpv3 sntp-client source ssl stacking stacking- support stack-topology start-size stp stpd subvlan-proxy- arp svlan switch switch-mode |
sys-health-check syslog sys-recovery- level tacacs tacacs- accounting tacacs- authorization tech telnet telnetd temperature tftpd thttpd time timeout timezone tos traffic trusted-ports trusted-servers ttl tunnel udp udp-echo-server udp-profile update upm var version virtual-router vlan vman vpls vr vrrp watchdog web xmlc xmld xml-mode xml-notification |