ExtremeXOS Feature Compatibility with V400 Port Extenders shows which ExtremeXOS features are supported, or are not supported, or that have limitations when used with V400 Port Extenders.
ExtremeXOS Feature | Status |
ACLs |
Ingress (first and second stage) and egress ACLs are supported with the
following limitations:
CFM | Not supported. |
Diffserv examination | Supported on CB; can also use cascade port DSCP. |
Disable slot | Not supported. Note: You can take a BPE slot offline by disabling the corresponding
cascade port(s).
Dot1p examination | Supported. |
EAPS | Supported. |
EDP/LLDP/CDP | Supported. |
ELSM | Not supported. |
ESRP | Not supported. |
FDB | |
FDB: Limit learning | Supported. |
FDB: MAC lockdown | Supported. |
FDB: Static and blackhole entries | Supported, except that multi-port unicast FDBs entries are not supported. |
Flood rate-limit | Not supported on extended ports. |
HcLAG | Not supported. |
L2 PBR | Not supported. |
L3 | |
L3: Extended view | Not supported for IPv4 local hosts on extended ports. |
L3: PBR | Supported. |
L3: Routing protocols |
Supported on CB; not supported on extended ports. |
L3 Tunnels |
Supported on CB ports. Not supported on extended ports. |
Supported. The default and only supported algorithm on extended port LAGs is "custom." |
Mirroring |
Mirroring extended ports is supported. Mirroring to extended ports is not supported. Limitations:
MLAG | Supported on cascaded ports; not supported on extended ports. |
MPLS/VPLS | Not supported. |
Multicast | |
Multicast: IGMP | Supported. |
Multicast: MVR | Supported. |
Multicast: PIM | Supported on regular ports. Not supported on extended ports. |
Multicast: PIM Snooping | Supported. |
MVRP | Not supported. |
Netlogin | Basic Dot1X and MACAuth supported, and supported with MLAG; multi-supplicant (MAC-based VLANs) and WebAuth not supported. |
OnePolicy |
Basic policy supported:
PoE | Supported on select BPE models. See Supported Bridge Port Extender Models. |
Ports | |
Ports: Flooding | Disabling flooding not supported. |
Ports: Jumbo frame | Enabling/disabling jumbo support on extended ports is supported; cascade-ports default to jumbo enabled. |
Ports: Learning | Disabling/enabling learning supported. |
PVLAN | Not supported. |
QoS |
Restart port | Not supported on extended ports. Use disable/enable port commands. |
Software-redundant ports | Supported. |
STP | Supported, primarily for edge loop detection (edge guard); supported with MLAG redundancy. |
VLAN | |
VLAN:Membership |
Supported; users specify VLAN membership via <slot>:<port> notation; protocol VLANs not supported. |
VLAN: statistics | Supported on extended ports. Note: VLAN flood traffic is not counted in the transmit
counters; displayed counts include an additional 8 bytes for the Ethertype + E-tag
VMAN/CEP | Not supported. |
VMT/XNV | Not supported. |
VRRP | Supported. |
VXLAN | Not supported. |