Periodically, there will be software upgrades for the controlling bridge (CB) and bridge ports extenders (BPEs).
For complete information about how to perform a software upgrade, see the Software Upgrade and Boot Options chapter in the ExtremeXOS 22.4 User Guide.
For non-redundant CB configurations, it is recommended that you upgrade exclusively using the .lst files, so that the CB and BPEs are upgraded together to ensure that all hardware is up-to-date.
When the upgrade is performed, the CB is upgraded (requires a reboot), and when the BPE boots up, it performs a version check. If the BPE image is up-to-date, the BPE progresses to the operational state. However, if the BPE image needs to be upgraded, the BPE retrieves the software image file from the CB, upgrades itself, and then reboots.
After an upgrade occurs, the log shows messages similar to the following indicating that the BPE has been upgraded:
08/04/2017 17:57:25.69 <Info:HAL.Card.Info> Slot-1: VPEX BPE slot 34 Active image VER 08/04/2017 17:53:44.52 <Info:HAL.Card.Info> Slot-1: Upgrading VPEX BPE slot 34 image from ver to 08/04/2017 17:53:43.70 <Info:HAL.Card.Info> Slot-1: VPEX BPE slot 34 Active image VER
For redundant CB configurations (see Redundant Controlling Bridges), you can perform in-service software upgrades (ISSU) by upgrading the CB and BPE images in a “rolling” fashion, such that network level redundancy provides uninterrupted network connectivity during the upgrade.