Configuring Port-based VLANs from the Web UI

  1. Go to ConfigurationVLANs > Port VLAN configuration table and configure PVID 100 on Port 1, Port 2, and Port 7.
    Click to expand in new window
  2. Select Configuration VLAN StaticVLAN.
  3. Create a VLAN with VLAN ID 100.
  4. Enter a VLAN name in the Name field.
  5. Assign VLAN tag setting to or remove it from a port by toggling the check box under the individual port number.
    The tag settings determine if packets that are transmitted from the port tagged or untagged with the VLAN ID. The possible tag settings are:
    Tag All Specifies that the egress packet is tagged for the port.
    Untag port VLAN Specifies that the egress packet is untagged for the port.
    Untag All Specifies that all frames, whether classified to the Port VLAN or not, are transmitted without a tag.
  6. Transmit untagged unicast packets from Port 1 to Port 2 and Port 7.
    The ISW should tag it with VID 100. The packet has access to Port2 and Port 7. The outgoing packet is stripped of its tag to leave Port 7 as an untagged packet. For Port 2, the outgoing packet leaves as a tagged packet with VID 100.
  7. Transmit untagged unicast packets from Port 2 to Port 1 and Port 7.
    The ISW should tag it with VID 100. The packet has access to Port1 and Port 7. The outgoing packet is stripped of its tag to leave Port 7 as an untagged packet. For Port 1, the outgoing packet leaves as a tagged packet with VID 100.
  8. Transmit untagged unicast packets from Port 7 to Port 1 and Port 2.
    The ISW should tag it with VID 100. The packet has access to Port1 and Port 2. For Port 1 and Port 2, the outgoing packet leaves as a tagged packet with VID 100.
  9. Repeat step 6 using broadcast and multicast packets.