Create a Virtual NNI Link Between Multi-Area Boundary Nodes

About this task

Perform this procedure to create a virtual NNI link between Multi-area boundary nodes.

The assumption is that you are creating the CLIP and the logical interface for the first time. You can also use the table-based tab to apply the configuration to an existing interface.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > IP.
  2. Select IP.
  3. Select the Circuitless IP tab.
  4. Select Insert.
  5. In the Interface field, add a CLIP interface number.
  6. Type the IP address.
  7. Type the network mask.
  8. Select the type of loopback interface for the virtual NNI link:
    • circuitlessIPMAVirtualLinkHome

    • circuitlessIPMAVirtualLinkRemote



    If you configure the loopback interface for the virtual NNI link in the home area, you must configure IS-IS on the logical interface in the remote area, and vice versa.

  9. Optional: For Name, type a name for this interface.
  10. Select Insert.
  11. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > Fabric.
  12. Select IS-IS.
  13. Select Logical Interfaces tab.
  14. Select Insert.
  15. For Id, type the index number that uniquely identifies this logical interface.
  16. Optional: For Name, type the name of this logical interface.
  17. For Type, select ip.
  18. For DestIPAddr, type the destination IP address for the logical interface.
  19. Select Multi-area Virtual Link to configure a Multi-area virtual link on this interface.


    If you configure the loopback interface for the virtual NNI link in the home area, you must configure IS-IS on the logical interface in the remote area, and vice versa.

  20. Select Insert.

What to do next

Configure IS-IS and SPBM on the logical interface.

Circuitless IP Field Descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Circuitless IP tab.




Specifies the number assigned to the interface.

Ip Address

Specifies the IP address of the CLIP.

Net Mask

Specifies the network mask.


Specifies a name assigned to the IPv4 CLIP address.


If you do not assign a name when you configure virtual NNI links for Multi-Area boundary nodes for 7520 Series and 7720 Series, the system autogenerates the name and displays the name as Virtual-link.


Specifies the interface type.


Exception: circuitlessIPMAVirtualLinkHome and circuitlessIPMAVirtualLinkRemote apply to 7520 Series and 7720 Series only.

Logical Interfaces Field Descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Logical Interfaces tab and the Insert Logical Interfaces dialog. The available fields in the dialog differ depending on the type of core you select: layer 2 or ip.




Specifies the index number that uniquely identifies this logical interface.

This field displays on the Insert Logical Interfaces dialog only.


Specifies the index number that uniquely identifies this logical interface. This field is read-only.

This field displays on the Logical Interfaces tab only.


Specifies a name associated with this logical interface, which can be up to 64 characters.


If you do not assign a name when you configure virtual NNI links for Multi-Area boundary nodes for 7520 Series and 7720 Series, the system autogenerates the name and displays the name as Virtual-link-x, where x is the logical interface ID.


Specifies the type of logical interface to create:

  • Specify layer 2 for a Layer 2 core network that the tunnel will traverse.

  • Specify ip for a Layer 3 core network that the tunnel will traverse.


Specifies the destination IP address for the IP-type logical interface.


Specifies the physical port or MultiLink Trunking (MLT) that the Layer 2 logical interface is connected to.


Specifies the list of VLANs that are associated with this logical interface.


Specifies the primary tunnel VLAN ID associated with this Layer 2 Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) logical interface.


Identifies the IS-IS circuit created under the logical interface.

This field displays on the Logical Interfaces tab only.


Displays the next-hop VRF name to reach the logical tunnel destination IP.

This field displays on the Logical Interfaces tab only.

You can use this field to specify the VRF to reach the logical tunnel destination IP associated with a parallel tunnel.


Specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size in bytes for IS-IS packets that use this logical interface. The default value is 1600.


Enables or disables BFD on an IS-IS Logical Interface.


Configures an additional source address to use as the parallel tunnel to create a backup adjacency.


To use an IPsec-encrypted tunnel as the parallel tunnel ensure that you configure the same source IP address on the logical IS-IS interface and in the Fabric IPsec Gateway virtual machine.


Specifies the origin of the IS-IS logical interface configuration, either through Zero Touch Fabric Configuration (ZTF) or manual configuration (config) through CLI or EDM.

Multi-Area Virtual Link

Exception: only applies to 7520 Series and 7720 Series.

Enables (true) or disables (false) a Multi-area boundary node virtual NNI link on an IS-IS Logical Interface.

The default is disabled.