Specify the VRF for Auto-sense ExtremeCloud SD-WAN Configuration

This procedure only applies to models that support a single active VRF. For more information, see Fabric Engine and VOSS Feature Support Matrix.Before you begin
Ensure a user-defined VRF with a different name does not exist on the switch.
About this task
Perform this procedure to specify the VRF that Auto-sense uses for the SD-WAN configuration on models that support a single active VRF. On these models, Auto-sense cannot create the dynamic SD-WAN VRF if an IP configuration already exists.

If the running switch configuration includes the dynamic SD-WAN VRF and you complete this procedure, the switch renames the dynamic VRF to your specified name, and converts the configuration to static.
- In the navigation pane, expand
- Select AutoSense.
- Select the Globals tab.
- In Sd-Wan Vrf, type the name of the VRF.
- Select Apply.
Globals Field Descriptions
Use the data in the following table to use the Globals tab.
Name | Description |
AccessDiffservEnable |
Enables or disables the differentiated service type as access for Auto-sense ports. The default is enabled. |
DataIsid |
Specifies the data I-SID used by the Auto-sense ports. |
EapolVoiceLldpAuthEnable |
Enables the EAPoL LLDP authentication for Auto-sense voice ports. The default is disabled. |
FaMsgAuthEnable |
Enables or disables the FA message authentication for Auto-sense ports. The default is enabled. |
FaAuthenticationKey |
Specifies the FA authentication key for Auto-sense ports. |
IsisHelloAuthType |
Specifies the authentication type for IS-IS hello packets on Auto-sense ports:
Note: Secure
Hashing Algorithm 256 bits (SHA-256) is a cipher and a
cryptographic hash function of SHA2 authentication. You can
use SHA-256 to authenticate IS-IS Hello messages. This
authentication method uses the SHA-256 hash function and a
secret key to establish a secure connection between switches
that share the same key. This feature is in full compliance
with RFC 5310.
The default authentication type is none. |
IsisHelloAuthKeyId |
Specifies the IS-IS hello authentication number key id for the Auto-sense ports. |
IsisHelloAuthKey |
Specifies the IS-IS hello authentication number key for the Auto-sense ports. You must configure the IS-IS hello authentication key along with the IS-IS hello authentication type. |
OnboardingIsid |
Specifies the onboarding I-SID used by the Auto-sense ports. |
Qos8021pOverrideEnable |
Overrides the incoming 802.1p bits on ports that operate in Auto-sense mode. The default is enabled. |
VoiceIsid |
Specifies the voice I-SID used by Auto-sense ports. |
VoiceCvid |
Specifies the customer VLAN ID associated with the voice I-SID used by Auto-sense ports. Voice C-Vid is configured for tagged voice traffic only. You must configure the Auto-sense voice customer VLAN ID along with the Auto-sense voice I-SID. |
DhcpDetection |
Enables or disables the DHCP detection in Auto-sense mode. The default is enabled. |
FaCameraIsid |
Specifies the FA camera I-SID used by Auto-senseports. |
FaProxyMgmtIsid |
Specifies the FA proxy management I-SID used by Auto-sense ports. |
FaProxyMgmtCvid |
Specifies the FA proxy management Client-VLAN ID (c-vid) used by Auto-sense ports. |
FaProxyRingMgmtIsid |
Specifies the FA proxy ring management I-SID used by Auto-sense ports. |
FaProxyRingMgmtCvid |
Specifies the FA proxy management Client-VLAN ID (c-vid) used by Auto-sense ports. |
FaProxyNoAuthIsid |
Specifies the FA proxy no-auth I-SID used by Auto-sense ports. |
FaVirtualSwitchIsid |
Specifies the FA virtual-switch I-SID used by Auto-sense ports. |
FaWapType1Isid |
Specifies the FA WAP type-1 I-SID used by Auto-sense ports. |
FaCameraEapolStatus |
Specifies the FA EAPoL status for Camera I-SID used by Auto-sense ports. |
FaEapolOVSStatus |
Specifies the FA EAPoL status for OVS (Open-Virtual-Switch) I-SID used by Auto-sense ports. |
FaEapolWap1Status |
Specifies the FA EAPoL status for Wap-type-1 I-SID used by Auto-sense ports. |
WaitInterval |
Specifies the wait interval, in seconds, for Auto-sense to wait for a Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) neighbor to be detected in the Auto-sense wait state before transitioning to the Auto-sense onboarding state. This configuration is a global configuration that applies to all Auto-sense ports. The default value is 35. |
MultihostMacMax |
Specifies the maximum number of EAPoL and non-EAPoL authentication MAC addresses allowed on this port. The default value is 2. |
MultihostEapMacMax |
Specifies the maximum number of EAPoL authentication MAC addresses allowed on this port. Zero indicates that non-EAPoL authentication is disabled for this port. The default value is 2. |
MultihostNonEapMacMax |
Specifies the maximum number of non-EAPoL authentication MAC addresses allowed on this port. Zero indicates that non-EAPoL authentication is disabled for this port. The default value is 2. |
IsisL1Metric |
Manually configure a value for the Level 1 metric. A higher number represents a higher cost and the least preferred route. The default value for L1 metric is 10 for any link, despite the port speed. |
IsisL1MetricAuto |
Enable the Level 1 metric as automatic. By enabling Level 1 metric as auto, the network route is determined by summing the lowest value metrics, which are inversely proportional to port speed. This ensures that the fastest port speed determines the network route. The default is disabled. |
FaProxyRingMgmtIsid |
Specifies the FA proxy ring management I-SID used by Auto-sense ports. |
FaProxyRingMgmtCvid |
Specifies the FA proxy management Client-VLAN ID (c-vid) used by Auto-sense ports. |
Area Note: This field only
displays on a switch with boundary-node
Specifies the IS-IS area, home or remote, where Auto-sense creates all ExtremeCloud SD-WAN learned tunnels. By default, Auto-sense creates SD-WAN logical interfaces in the home area. You can also configure exceptions for specific tunnels. For more information, see Configure the IS-IS Area for a Specific Tunnel. |
Vrf Note: Exception: This field only applies to
models that support a single active VRF. For more information, see Fabric Engine and VOSS Feature Support Matrix.
Specifies the VRF name that Auto-sense uses for the SD-WAN configuration on models that support a single active VRF. On these models, Auto-sense cannot create the dynamic SD-WAN VRF if an IP configuration already exists. |