Reserving an assignment for a port assigns that port to a POD or COD license regardless of whether the port is online or offline. Reserving assignments allocates the POD license to specified ports. This operation overrides automatic port assignments. The reserved assignment will not be available to other ports that come online. To reserve an assignment for a port, a free assignment must be available.
If all ports are assigned, select a port to release its POD assignment. Follow the instructions in Releasing a port from a POD set to release a port from its POD assignment. Once the port is released, you can reuse the assignment for another port.
device# configure terminal Entering configuration mode terminal device(config)# dpod 0/15 reserve device(config-dpod-0/15)# exit
Which reboot of the switch is NOT required to make DPOD licensing effective, be aware that License reservations or removals do not persist across switch reboots and power cycles. To make them persistent, save the configuration changes by issuing the use copy running-config startup-config command before you reboot the switch.device# copy running-config startup-config
device# show running-config dpod 0/15
dpod 0/15