You can use the upgrade process to replace a faulty node in a multi-node deployment.
During this process, the faulty node is decommissioned, the replacement node is provisioned, and the active node is reconfigured to form the cluster.
Perform this procedure on the active node where XCO is installed.
$source -I --deploy-suite fabric --deploy-type multi-node --deployipmode ipv4 --virtual-ipv4 --replacement-ip Checking for EFA Stack... Deployment mode is upgrade Verifying connectivity to server is reachable... You have entered: - to redeploy EFA at version 3.3.0 build 12 - with peer - and with VIP - with node replacement - with IP Stack ipv4 - with suites: Fabric Automation Verifying if monitor service is running on Checking system configuration on Ensuring machine clocks are in sync Verifying clocks are approximately in sync Checking default gateway reachability on all nodes... Completed verification of default gateway reachability on all nodes Ensuring peer hostnames are unique Verifying unique hostname between nodes Hostnames are unique Ensuring compatible OS version Verifying Operating System between nodes Operating system of all nodes are same Making backup Removing legacy EFA installation Stopping EFA services Undeploying EFA application... Undeploying ecosystem services Undeploying core services Removed current application deployment successfully. Removing EFA container images Removing container images on Removing EFA OS services Removing k3s container orchestration Removing database Unholding mariadb server Removing Database Server Unholding mariadb client Removing Database Client Removing cluster filesystem Unholding glusterfs Removing keepalived for cluster virtual IP Removing database sync tools Removing EFA services and utilities Proceeding with new EFA installation Verifying system requirements Verifying system requirements on all nodes......
The node replacement proceeds. Messages indicate the progress and when the replacement is complete.
$ efa status