Upgrade Visibility using Single CLI

You can upgrade a visibility manager using single CLI.

Before you begin

To add or update additional management interfaces, see Upgrade Visibility using Interactive Mode.

About this task

Follow this procedure to upgrade a visibility manager in a non-interactive mode on Server.


  1. Download the XCO tar file and the digests file to the Linux server. Use an administrative account to install XCO on this server.
    admin@server$ ls
    efa-3.3.0-digests.tar.gz  efa-3.3.0.tar.gz
  2. Verify the PGP signature as described in article 48172 on the Extreme Portal.
  3. Extract the XCO tarball to a desired location. Ensure that this location has the permissions to allow your administrative user to run commands.
  4. Change the current directory to the extracted file location, and run the source deployment.sh -i no --deploy-suite packet command. This will start the XCO upgrade in a non-interactive mode.
    text admin@server:~/efa$ ~/efa$ source deployment.sh -i no --deploy-suite packet
    Checking for EFA Stack... 
    Deployment mode is upgrade
    You have entered:
  5. Verify the installation.
    • From the EFA command line on the console or SSH session, run the sudo efactl status command to see the status of nodes, pods, and services.
    • Run the efa status command to ensure that status of all the nodes are up.