Post OVA Install Procedure for Fabric and Visibility

The OVA images use a first run script to assign the static IP address and deploy XCO Fabric Manager and XCO Visibility Manager. The script is located at ~/ for the ubuntu user.

About this task

Follow this procedure to complete the post OVA installation procedure for fabric and visibility.



As a best practice, change the passwords of the root and ubuntu user of the OVA.


  1. Log in to the VNC console of the VM deployed from the OVA.
  2. Log in to the VM using the Ubuntu user with the following credential:
    • User name/Password: ubuntu/ubuntu
    The following welcome screen is displayed. Press Enter.
    Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation - **Welcome to the Extreme Fabric Automation Setup** 
    Please enter the information as it is requested to continue with
    the configuration.  Typically a default value is displayed in brackets.
    Pressing the [enter] key without entering a new value will use the
    bracketed value and proceed to the next item.
    If a default value cannot be provided, the prompt will indicate that the item
    is either (Required) or (Optional). The [enter] key may be pressed without 
    entering data for (Optional) items. A value must be entered for (Required) items
    At the end of the setup process, the existing settings will be displayed
    and opportunity will be provided to correct any errors. 
    **Press [enter] to begin setup or CTRL-C to exit:**

    A menu opens, with the following choices:

    Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation - Modify Settings 
    All of the information needed to complete the installation of the
    Extreme Fabric Automation has been entered.
    Enter 0 or any key other than a valid selection to continue
    If you need to make a change, enter the appropriate number from
    the choices listed below. 
    1. Set the root user password
    2. Set network settings
    3. Confirm settings and continue
    4. Exit
    Enter selection :
    To exit screen, press  CTRL-C.
  3. To configure root user password, press 1.
    Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation - Root User Password Configuration
    The root user password is currently set for this appliance.
    Would you like to set a root password (y/n) [y]?
  4. Press 2 for network settings.
    Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation - Modify Settings
    If you need to make a change, enter the appropriate number from
    the choices listed below.
    If settings are not done and exited, the default will be applied.
       1. Set the root user password
       2. Set network settings
       3. Confirm settings and continue
       4. Exit
    Enter selection :
    To exit screen, press CTRL-C.
  5. Press 1 for Staic IP configuration.
    Configure the interface with static IP . Please choose below option
       1. Static
       2. Quit
    Enter selection :
  6. To configure static IP, press 1. Enter the IP address in CIDR format.
    For IPv4, add AA.BB.CC.DD/EE or for IPv6, add AA:BB::CC/EE. You can add only IPv4 or only IPv6 or both the IP addresses. Based on inputs, optional and required tags will change.
    Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation Interface Configuration Static
    Enter the IPv4 address in cidr format(Optional):
    Enter the IPv4 gateway address (Required):
    Enter the IPv6 address in cidr format (Optional): 2000:1::1/64
    Enter the IPv6 gateway address (Required): 2000:1::2
    Enter the IPv4 nameserver address (Optional):
    These are the current network settings that will be used to configure.
    Address type: Static
    IPv4 Address:
    IPv6 Address: 2000:1::1/64
    IPv4 Gateway Address:
    IPv6 Gateway Address: 2000:1::2
    Nameserver Address:
    Would you like to accept the current network settings (y/n) [y]?
  7. To confirm the settings, press 3.
    The system prompts you to reboot the VM for the network settings to take effect.
    Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation - Modify Settings
    If you need to make a change, enter the appropriate number from
    the choices listed below.
    If settings are not done and exited, the default will be applied.
       1. Set the root user password
       2. Set network settings
       3. Confirm settings and continue
       4. Exit
    Enter selection :