Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Virtual Router (VR) Scaling

This feature implements Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) groups to increase scaling of virtual router (VR) instances to 2,048 for both IPv4 and IPv6 (see Limits). This scaling feature supports:
  • Multiple VRRP routers configured within the same group (not just limited to two VRRP routers).
  • Different VRIDs can be configured in the same group.
  • Applicable to topologies such as MLAG, EAPS, STP.

Supported Platforms

Summit X450-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2, X770, and ExtremeSwitching X870, X440-G2, X620 series switches.


  • All VRRP VLANs participating in the same group should have the same topology in a given router.
  • VRRP groups and individual VRs cannot be mixed when VRs use the same VRID and are configured to operate in regular master-backup mode.
  • Fabric Routing must be enabled for the group of VRs if the same VRID is repeated in multiple groups.
  • When the number of VRs configured on a router exceeds 511, you must switch to high-scale mode (use VRRP grouping) to obtain scaling to 2,048 VR instances.
  • You cannot combine IPv4 and IPv6 VRs in the same group. Separate groups must be used for each type.

New CLI Commands

create vrrp group group_name

delete vrrp group group_name

configure vrrp group group_name add [primary-vr | secondary-vr] [{vlan} vlan_name vrid vridval | vlan vlan_list {vrid vrid_list}]

configure vrrp group group_name delete [primary-vr | secondary-vr [{vlan} vlan_name vrid vridval | vlan vlan_list {vrid vrid_list} | all] ]

configure vrrp group group_name fabric-routing [on | off]

show vrrp group group_name

Changed CLI Commands

The show vrrp command is changed to show VRRP group information (shown in bold):
#show vrrp 
                      Virtual                 Master 
   VLAN Name VRID Pri IP Address        State MAC Address       TP/TR/TV/P/T/FR/G 
      v1(En) 0001 225        MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:01  0  0  0 Y 1  Y Y 
     v10(En) 0001 225       MSTR 00:00:5e:00:01:01  0  0  0 Y 1  N N 
     v20(Ds) 0001 100         INIT 00:00:5e:00:01:01  0  0  0 Y 1  N N 

  En-Enabled, Ds-Disabled, Pri-Priority, T-Advert Timer, P-Preempt,  
  TP-Tracked Pings, TR-Tracked Routes, TV-Tracked VLANs, FR- Fabric Routing, 
# show vrrp v1 
VLAN:  v1       VRID:  1        VRRP:  Enabled  State:  MASTER 
Virtual Router:  VR-Default 
Priority:  225(backup)  Advertisement Interval:  1 sec 
Version: v2     Preempt:  Yes   Preempt Delay: 0 sec 
Authentication:  simple-password  key:  asdf 
Virtual IP Addresses: 
Accept mode:  Off            Group : ExtremeNet(Enabled) 
Host-Mobility:  Off 
Host-Mobility Exclude-Ports: 
Tracking mode:  ALL 
Tracked Pings:  - 
Tracked IP Routes:  - 
Tracked VLANs:  - 
Fabric Routing: On 
  * indicates a tracking condition has failed