
Use the wlans‐list command to assign Radio 1 and Radio 2 of APs to specific Services. For the AP3912, you can assign 1 - 3 port numbers to the service. See Usage for more information. Use the no command to remove radio assignment from specific WLAN Services. The wlans‐list command is accessible from the ap:defaults context of the CLI.

After you run the wlans‐list command, run the apply command to implement the changes in radio assignments.

wlans-list wlans-name | radio1 | radio2 | p1 | p2 | p3 no wlans-list wlans-name | radio1 | radio2 | p1 | p2 | p3


wlans-name The name of the WLAN service.
radio1 5GHz radio.
radio2 2.4GHz radio.
p1 | p2 | p3 Specifies the client ports on the AP3912 to assign to the WLAN service.
Note: The camera on the AP3916 always connects to p1.


  • A WLAN service can be assigned to one or more radios and ports. A client port can be assigned to only one WLAN service. The assignment enables the port.
  • Wireless and wired users associated to the same WLAN service and receive identical service. They are affected by the same policies and filters.
  • AP3912 wired port assignments are limited to open WLAN services, MBA, and captive portal.


The following example assigns Radio 1 to CNL-209 WLANS:

EWC.extremenetworks.com:ap:defaults:assign# wlans-list CNL-209 radio1

The following example assigns P1 to CNL-209 WLANS:

EWC.extremenetworks.com:ap:defaults:assign# wlans-list CNL-209 p1