Edit an Existing Custom Dashboard

Apply edits to an existing custom dashboard, for example you can add or remove charts from the dashboard.
  1. Select the Business Insights navigation icon and then select Dashboards > Custom.
  2. For the dashboard that you want to edit, select the icon in the top right of the dashboard label and then select Edit Dashboard.
    The dashboard opens in edit mode.
  3. Make any edits that you want to the dashboard:
    • To add a chart, select and drag the chart onto the dashboard.
    • To remove a chart, select the trashcan icon Trash can icon in the top right of the chart. and select Delete.
  4. Select Save.


You can also delete a custom dashboard from the Custom Dashboards page. For the dashboard that you want to delete, select the icon in the top right of the dashboard label, select Delete Dashboard, and then select Delete.